Text Walls/ Text Walling

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Text Walls

Oh lord, I hate text walls.

Do you know what it's like to open a book and feel excited to read it because the summary sounds decent, only to be met with a big wall of text and punctuation that practically rapes your eyes?

If you do, then you can sympathize with me.

Seriously people, DO NOT TO THIS.

You see that enter key on your keyboard?

 It's there for a reason. Use it, for crying out loud. No one wants to read a whole chapter that's just one long paragraph of misspelled words, misplaced punctuation marks and shitty dialogue.

Wanna know another reason why you shouldn't text wall?

It makes it a shit ton harder just to figure out who or what is speaking. If you put all the dialogue back to back to back, how on God's earth do you expect anyone to understand who is saying what? 

 There's a name for this, and it's called being a lazy writer.

Please, just take the time to separate your damn paragraphs, and maybe read the  rules of grammar.

Always start a new line whenever someone different is speaking. 

If everyone in this fandom could just stick to that one simple rule, I promise that it would make every fanfic that much better.

Hopefully that helps.


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