Cupcake's Summer Mentoring Program!

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Ok, so I decided that this summer I want to be really active on Wattpad. Aside from updating CandC more times per week and publishing new stuff, I've decided that I'm going to do *drumroll*


Basically, I'm willing to be a writing mentor to three people who really want feedback on their work or help with writing a fanfiction.

This mentor program is really hands-on which basically means that I'm willing to the spend time (whenever I have it) helping someone in whatever way I can in shaping their stories.

Here's how this works:

1. You don't have to currently have a story or a book going. You don't even have to have any ideas (but if you have both of these things already, my job is easier). All you have to have is the desire to write something GOOD, and we can go from there.

2. You get to choose how much I help you. Not everyone likes my writing style or even the way I do things, and even if you don't, that's ok. I understand I'm not the perfect writer and I'm constantly improving in the craft. This is why you get to choose how much help you really want from me.

-If all you need is someone to give you feedback on your story, I can do that, but I'll be brutally honest about it. Please note: Simply wanting "casual feedback" on a story will most likely be rejected on the application form.

-If you want to write something and share it with me through Google docs and have me edit, make changes and add comments, I can do that as well.

-If you need an idea, I probably won't give you one, but I'll definitely help you to form your own, as long as it's not terribly cliché.

-If you want help improving your writing, grammar and other stuff, then I'd be happy to help with that too.

Things you can get in the mentoring program:
- Access to a private contact so you can message me anytime (preferably kik).
-I can act as an editor and either edit a draft directly, or give suggestions. If the draft is subpar, I might just offer suggestions.
-An hour and a half of my time each day.

Things to note:

- Only three people max.

-If all you want are votes and comments on a story you've already posted, you're not eligible.

-I'll be working on other things so if I don't reply for a while, please don't feel bad.

-Program lasts for a month.

-Be prepared to set your own goals and accomplish them. I'm only here to help.

As time goes by, I'll keep adding more guidelines. I'm also considering asking some writers on Wattpad if they'd like to make the mentor program a sort of joint collaboration (though I'm probably the only person who doesn't have a life in the summer XD).

Everyone is free to apply, but I'm selecting three out of the bunch. Selection is not based on experience or how long you've been on Wattpad or any of that stuff. Selection is based on how much potential for greatness someone has, and how much they really want feedback.

Here's how to apply:

1. Leave your username in the comment section and tag a friend.

2. Once that's done, I'll message you the link to a short form. Remember, be completely honest.

3. Fill it out, submit it and you're done.

Currently I'm in finals mode, so the program doesn't start until after I get out of school. I can start mentoring on June 20, 2017.

The deadline for applying is June 10, 2017 and I'll announce my picks the following day.

Hopefully this is as fun as I hope it will be.

Spread the word, and good luck!

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