The Accident Underground

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Yenndo kept his space between him and Vixen for unknown reasons.

Ennard asked with his arms behind his head "Why do you two hate each other? I thought that was me and stupid's job?"

Fred said "What did you just call me?!"

Ennard smiled a little and said "Nothing."

Vixen turned his head slightly to the right and said "You know what Ennard I have no clue why Yenndo hates me."

Yenndo looked back at Vixen and did a 'tsk'.

Vixen looked back at Yenndo and asked "What?"

Yenndo said "I can't believe you haven't figured it out."

Vixen tilted his head a little bit and asked "Figured out what?"

Yenndo started to walk backwards and said "That you guys actually work with the Nightmares."

Fred asked "Yeah and what's wrong with that?"

Yenndo looked away for a bit and said "Well, remember when that figure showed itself to us on that day..."

Ennard said "Your being to depressing stop it."

Yenndo sighed and said "Your not going to get anywhere with that attitude Ennard."

Ennard said "I'm just trying to be funny to the people and your being to boring."

Yenndo shook his head and asked "What conversation are we on?"

Ennard said "No idea."

Yenndo said "Whatever, but that day is the day that I won't forget."

Bon asked "What happened?"

Yenndo said "That day was when Nightmare told us that we will never live to see tomorrow if we leave the underground."

Fred asked "What happened underground?"

Yenndo shook his head and said "Nightmare came one night and told us exactly this." Yenndo made his voice a little deeper "'If you guys try to escape the underground I'll make sure that your fate's are far worse then death.'"

Vixen had his hand underneath his chin and said "I have a hard time in believing that."

Yenndo asked "What do you mean you have a hard time believing me?"

Vixen said "Well Nightmare did tell us to come with N.F."

Lolbit skipped over and said "What's up guys?!"

Yenndo asked "Do you remember what Nightmare told us?"

Lolbit said "Yes, he said 'One day you guys will leave the underground for an adventure like never before.'"

Yenndo yelled "That's not what he said at all!!!!!!"

Lolbit crossed her arms and said "That's what I heard."

Yenndo said "That's not what I heard."

Lolbt swayed her hips a bit to Vixen who was staring at a squirrel.

Lolbit said "Nightmare isn't the bad guy here Yenndo. You just need to see past at the argument between the both of you."

Yenndo said "Yeah...I guess your right..." 

Lolbit bounced up and down and said "Yay! Old Yenndo's back!!"

With N.F.

N.F. walked into the cave and said "What the...?"

(Ah!!! I did another cliffhanger!!!!)

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