Chapter 1

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The world you are about to enter is much different then the one you are used to. It's 2638, Automobiles are gone and electronics are pretty much gone as well. Houses have crumbled and we have built cement units in their place. There are small villages where there were towns and some larger villages where there were cities. This is Littica.

I'm 17 and I work with an elite undercover squad. Our job is to cross enemy lines and infiltrate their basses. My squad is made up of six people: Mara, Joe, Xavier, Nathaniel, Colton and Me. 

Colton was from my home village, we grew up together. We also fell in love two years before we joined the squad. Technically no one on the squad was allowed to be together but they made an exception for the two of us.

Once my squad infiltrated the main base of the enemy we got overrun and as a result we got captured. They tortured us for weeks until we finally found a way to escape. Colton got the worst of it since he would go to the chamber in my place as often as they would allow. I tried to reason with him but he never listened. Colton is a stubborn one, well he was stubborn. I'm alone now and most of my squad is dead and the rest are out here in these woods, just like me. I keep thinking of Colton and the last words he would ever tell me.

"Run! Run as faraway from here as you can! Go home, go anywhere. Just stay safe. I love you Lexie. I'll see you again, I promise. Now run! I'll hold them off." Colton says before kissing me one last time.

"I love you." I say before turning around and running as far away from there as I possibly could.

I lay still in pile of leaves looking up at the stars. The trees around me rustled in the breeze. The moon shone bright on this late October evening. At least I think it's still October, it was when we were captured. Col was always better with dates. 

Colton would always run his hands through my long, wavy brunette hair when he would tell me that he loved me. He'd also say how he didn't need to visit the ocean since he had by deep blue eyes. I close my eyes just for a second and doze off into a dreamless sleep.

I awake with a shiver running down my spine, someone's here. I jump up to analyze my surroundings. I take a deep breath. Someone is definitely here and watching me. There is still no sign of anyone around me but I know someone is there. I can just feel it. I hear leaves crunch under a boot and I immediately pull out my hand gun. I look towards the direction of the sound and I see a small head pop out from behind a tree. 

"Hey. I'm not going to hurt you. Come out from behind that tree." I say softly lowering my gun. 

The boy took a step towards me unsure of himself.  

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Are you hungry?" I ask putting my gun back.

The boy nods his head and takes another step forward. 

"Well come here then." I say waving to him, "What's your name?" 

"Henry." the boy says with a squeak. 

"Well Henry, I'm Lexie. Do you like apples?" I ask softly.

"Uh-huh" He says nodding then looking down at his feet.

I reach over to my backpack and pull out two apples. I then hold out the apple for Henry. He smiles and runs to get it. He takes a huge bite before sitting on rock. He couldn't anymore than 8-9 years old. I eat my apple as Henry inhales his, core and all. 

"So Henry, where are you from?" I ask.

"Turlock. It's the village by the ocean. You know the one with that old Ferris wheel." he says gloomily. 

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