Chapter 5

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It was an early Spring morning, Colton and I stumbled upon a beautiful, grassy meadow with a small stream running through it. Colton looked at me then smiled. He grabbed my hand then started running. I ran along with him until he finally plopped down onto the grass and brought me down with him.

"Colton!" I shout as I fall.

Colton just stares at me dreamily and smiles.

"What?" I ask nudging his shoulder.

"Nothing" Col says like it's obvious.

I squint my eyes and give him a questioning glance. He just smiles shaking his head while laughing.

"What?" I say almost embarrased.

"You're just so beautiful! I have no idea how I could be so lucky!" Col says happily smiling at me and biting his lip.

"Oh Colton, I'm the lucky one! Have you looked in the mirror, cuz damn!" I practically shout.

"Oh hush." Colton says before pulling me down into a kiss.

My entire village is covered in ashes. The only thing that remains are the units standing in all there cement glory. The architect must have been thinking about situations just like this. I could tell Kai and Calli were heartbroken to see everything like this, don't get me wrong I am too. Everything that I love turns to ashes. We should just change my name to Ash!

"Lexie, we should get going. Especially if we want to make it to another village before it gets dark." Kai says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Who said anything about staying in another village? The only village we are stopping in is Eastbourne. I don't plan on stopping until Angelo is dead! Well except to sleep..." I say trailing off.

"Oh" is all Kai says in response.

"Wait? We are only stopping to rest!" Calli exclaims.

"Oh yeah" I respond nodding my head and laughing.

Calli and Kai look at each other then smile back at me.

"Well then we better get started!" Kai exclaims.

We then walk over to the horses. I hop onto Prince and they each pick another horse. The horses start trotting along the ash stricken roads. We don't stop till we hit the Matlock post. We take one last glance back at our burned village before moving on.

I decided it was time to see just how fast Prince could run, we ran those horse until the couldn't run any longer. We stopped by a stream so they could get their energy up. I also fed each horse a couple apples.

"How far have we gone?" Calli asks.

"Well we have passed Miadem and now we are where I found Henry. We must go to Lincoln he lives just over the river and through the woods. We should get to him by tomorrow morning. He lives right outside of Eastbourne, the tunnels start under his house. He's like my gatekeeper except it's a tunnel not a gate." I quickly reply.

"Oh ok." She replies almost confused.

I stifle a small laugh and shake my head.

We continue to move towards Lincoln's. The horses are trotting at a decent pace so we should arrive to Lincoln's in the morning like planned. We start to near a frozen tundra, I can feel my body temp dropping. Chills run down my spine, something not right.

I stop prince and put my hand up to signal to the others to stop. I look around trying to find something that could have caused the chills.

"Lex, what's wrong? Why are we stopped?" Calli asks confused and looking around.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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