Chapter 2

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"Lexie! Lexie! Wake up! Wake up!" Henry shouts shaking me.

"Henry, what's wrong?" I ask jumping out of bed.

"Oh nothing, it's time for breakfast." He says with a smile.

"Oh, well then let's go." I say getting up.

I wipe my eyes and tie my hair into a tight french braid. The only thing I can think of is Colton, his blonde coiffed hair and chocolate brown eyes. God, I miss him. We were together for three years. We fell in love the summer of 2364, we were 14 and 15. We didn't know what love really was until we were older. I never once thought that I would be a seventeen year old orphan with a dead boyfriend. It's quite funny really you find out who you really are then poof everyone you love dies, well almost everyone I still have Kai and Callista.

"Lexie!" Henry whines dragging me out to the dining room.

"Good morning Lexie." James says putting plates of food on the table.

"Morning, breakfast looks great. Thank you." I say finding a seat next to Layla and Henry.

"Did you sleep well?" Layla asks concerned.

"Yeah, very well actually." I lie.

"Good. Do you need anything? Water, food, a horse perhaps?" Layla kindly asks.

"A horse would be perfect. If you don't mind lending me one. I will return it." I say nodding my head.

"Nonsense, it's yours. You brought us little Henry and now he's safe. We owe you." James says from the other side of the table.

"We're not giving her Sam are we?" Riley asks looking nervously towards Peter.

"No sweetheart. We will give Miss Lexie Dixie, she is our fastest horse." Layla says proudly.

"Thank you."

An hour later I was on my way home. Their horse is fast but she doesn't come close to my horse, Prince. Hmm, I miss Prince's golden mane and ivory body.

I walk into the stables, straight to Prince. As I approach I call out "Hey boy, how are you today." Prince whined in response. "Oh, it couldn't have been that bad." I say stroking his mane. I pull open the pen doors and grab the restraints. I saddle him quickly before hopping on his back. "Today is the day we beat Colton and Credence. You ready Prince?" I ask the horse. Prince nickered in response. "Good." Prince trotted to the Arena where everyone was sitting and waiting for the races. Colton and I had the fastest horses in Matlock so one of us would usually win. Colton had won the last three races so Prince and I knew it was our turn. We had to beat Colton and Credence's streak. Once we entered the Arena everyone shouted with joy. I could see Colton and the other contestant's getting ready. Once I reached them I received a huge smirk from Colton. "You ready to loose again, sweetheart?" He says playfully. "Oh you are mistaken, Prince and I are going to win today's race. I'll even try to make it look close so you don't get your little feeling hurt." I say back playfully. "Uh-huh we'll see about that." Colton says full of himself. "That we will." I respond. Once the gun was shot the race begun. Colton was only a foot ahead of me. Prince pushed harder and we started leading by only by inches. Then Colton started to lead again and I could tell Credence was ready to push even harder. "Okay prince you've got this" I say to him. He than bursts with a second wind and we take the lead. I could hear Colton curse from behind us. Prince kept pushing all the way to the finish line and we won by three feet. Once everyone had crossed the finish line I hopped of Prince and walked over to Colton with Prince in tow. "Looks like I won." I say with a smirk. "That it does indeed." He says before planting a kiss on my lips. Prince and Credence nickered in response and we both broke the kiss with a laugh.

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