Chapter 3

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The trees that made up the Matlock grove are vibrant in color. Full of deep red's, bright oranges, and almost neon shades of yellow. It was beautiful. The gang would always come here in autumn to see the trees. When we were little we would see who could climb the highest, Kai or Colton would usually win.

Looking up at the trees I think about the letter and the ring that I found. How did Colton know that he was going to die? How did he know to leave the letter on his bed? I had so many questions and none of them could be answered.

Unless, no. It was crazy! I can't go to Angelo! He's a murdering tyrant! If I go to him he will try and have me killed! It's the only way that I'll get any answers. Well I guess I'm making a visit to Eastbourne!

"Lex, we got the bonfire ready. Are you ready to begin?" Kai asks unsure.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I say transitioning back into reality.

"Can I see the T-shirt?" Kai asks.

I hand Kai the t-shirt and he puts it on top of the fire wood. We all pause before stepping back and taking a deep breath.

"Who want's to go first?" Calli asks.

"I will." Kai says with a tear rolling down his cheek.

He looks hesitantly towards Calli and I. He then takes a deep breath, while running his hand through his dark brunette hair.

"Colton was one of my best friends. We were friends since birth. We would do everything together. My favorite memory of Col was when we were 12. We decided to have a sleepover and not invite the girls. We were both really giddy and it was obvious we both had a secret. Eventually we agreed to tell one another. I decided to be a man and go first. So I told Col that I had a crush on Callista. He lit up and said thank god! I was confused and asked why. He replied with I like Lexie. We both went ecstatic and decided to do something for the two of you. So that's when we decided to make cupcakes and started the Matlock fire of 2631! I love you man." Kai says wiping a tear from his eye.

"My turn" Calli says stepping up to the fire pit.

Kai and I nod to her to begin.

"My favorite memory of Colton was when my goldfish died when I was 9. He came over to my house and helped me dispose of the poor thing. I was crying and he was comforting me. Once the fish was flushed down the toilet he grabbed my hand and starting running. He didn't stop until we reached this very grove. He then laid on the grass and I laid next to him. We just started looking up at the clouds and talking. I love you Colton." Calli says starting to cry.

"Lex, it's your turn." Kai says giving me a reassuring look.

"My Favorite memory of Col was the first time that he told me he loved me,like he really loved me. We had been together for 6 months. It was midnight on January 8, my 15th birthday. He came up to my window and tapped on it. It woke me up and I walked over to him. Once I opened up the window he started singing Happy Birthday. I smiled and shushed him since my parents we in the room down the hall. He just smiled and told me to come out to join him. I wasn't sure what I should do so I did it, I snuck out. We walked hand in hand down the road towards Sal's Market. We were just laughing and laughing. I stopped in my tracks once I saw the light in Sal's was still on. I then nervously looked up at Colton, he smiled and signalled us to keep walking. We walked into Sal's and there was a picnic set up with candles and everything. I was completely shocked and almost started crying. He then kissed me and told me that he loved me. It was different though it wasn't like how he would say it when we were just friends. I knew that he truly loved me and that he was the person that I was going t-to ma-marry." I say just before breaking down into tears.

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