Short Phone Calls

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     Hi so I'm going to be attaching a song to each chapter that matches it/helps set the mood whilst reading it (:

    At six PM my phone rang, the irritating sci-fi ringtone played over Eden and I paused the song, quickly gripping the device and pressing the green button. "Hey baby, how are you?" My mum's voice was a sad mix of broken, tired, and stressed. "I'm okay. And you?" She softly sighed, a sound I was used to, usually used when she was upset but didn't want to put the effort into saying-or screaming- why she was. "As best as I can be, ya know. It's not like I'm having drinks and being with my friends." I couldn't help but laugh, and the sound was ugly, even to myself. "Maybe once you realize that's the whole reason you're in jail you'll come out of there faster. But no, you'd rather sit and wish you were drinking again," I shortly laughed again, "I dunno just a thought." She couldn't hurt me over the phone. The only thing she could use was words and I was used to them anyways. I felt stupid for pitying her for a bit. "Yeah whatever, my minutes up. Bye." Just like that the line went dead. No I love you's or I can't wait to see you again. Just bye. I threw my phone at the sofa and screamed into the sleeve of my sweatshirt. I'm done worrying about her for now. I need to start living for myself.
     I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. My brown roots were showing a bit, contrasting the dull orange hair I had dyed due to a dare. It faded to a nice color though. My eyes watered a bit as I took out my contacts and slipped on my gold Harry Potter glasses, looking at my outfit quickly. I grabbed my phone again and dialed my best friends number. "Amy we're going clubbing." Her cheerful laugh chimed through the phone, the one that never had a chance of not making me smile. "Sounds great tbh when are we going?" I paused, "Hold on I'm gonna start a group Skype with Mark, Q, and Rose."
"Alright, bye." I went on the app and started a call, first Amy answering then Rose and shortly after Q and Mark. None of us had anything to do today. "What's the squad meet about?" Mark asked, his sleepy smile and dimples showing off. Rose hummed in response and I told them the quick plan Amy and I had made. "Portland sounds good. They have a lot of options and it's easier to sneak in alcohol and stuff." Q chimed in.
   Five minutes later I was scanning my room for an outfit. I decided on a shorter plain black dress and Vans, later curling my hair and putting on eyeliner. The doorbell let out its whine and I jogged to it, figuring it was Q, as he was the only one who didn't just invite himself in. Sure enough it was, and I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He made me feel safe, and his chest vibrated as he softly laughed, hugging me back. "Awh dude this is your first time squad clubbing!" He laughed at how stupid I sounded, causing me to laugh too. "Better make it a good time then." He winked, as the door opened again, revealing the rest of my friends. We shortly exchanged greetings before figuring out who would be driving and where we were going.
     "Are you gonna drive us home or do you need me to?" Rose asked me, her blue eyes having a dull reflection of the red light from the traffic stop. It was oddly beautiful, and captivated me for a few seconds. "Chelsie dosen't drink." Mark chimed in. I pursed my lips before adding, "Yeah but I'm down for other things so I wouldn't count on it." Rose nodded. She didn't do drugs for similar reasons I didn't drink- bad family experiences. I remember her puffy eyes in class and her looking out the window, no one noticing- or caring. I had walked to the back of class, sitting in the empty seat next to her before speaking our first exchanged words, "What happened?" I remember her shocked face and her beautiful slightly chapped lips. She was beautifully broken. Still is. The light turned green and I pressed on the gas, turning up the radio to some cliche pop song all of us knew even if we didn't want to.
     I parked my old Mustang and hopped out, we were starting at a 21 and under club, as I knew Rose would be scared to use the fake ID that Amy had bought her a few months ago. Sighing, I headed towards the line with my group of misplaced friends. Despite our individual social statuses, life was fucking us all in some way. Perhaps that was the reason we were so close to each other, we all knew each other more than we should.
     "Oi, you guys could join us up here," a strangers voice came from beside me. "You guys seem cool." He was obviously checking out Amy, who smiled innocently, "How nice of you, come on guys." She pulled at the base of my dress and I rolled my eyes, accustomed to the special treatment Amy usually got from guys. She was gorgeous, her brown eyes mixing perfectly with her blonde hair and her dress was tight around her curvy figure.  In my eyes her personality was the most attractive thing about her, you felt free to be you around her when she wasn't with her stuck up "friends" and she could make anyone feel the best they ever had or break their heart with no mercy. As we got near the front of the line there was a guy and girl waiting. The boy looked us all up and down, making me extremely insecure and the girl smiled softly at me, making my heart melt a bit. "I see you guys have met Ethan, hi, I'm Hazel." My friends introduced themselves before she tilted her head to me, "Do you have a name?" My neck and cheeks flushed in embarrassment, "Um, yeah, I'm Chelsie."

Hope you're having a lovely day and remember you can always make tomorrow better <3 ~Shanee

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