Strangers and Tattoos

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/A/N: skip the first part of the vid -go to 1:10- if you just want to listen to the song (: /
     The lights in the club pulsated, giving me an unwanted headache and I couldn't help but laugh at the group of teen guys sitting at the "bar" drinking Red Bull. All my friends had separated already which was okay- it let me have more fun and not worry about them to be honest.
Even though I had earlier felt sure that this would help me forget about things I started to find myself staying away from the mob in the middle and out where a few people were standing and talking. I noticed Hazel standing with someone I hadn't met and decided to go up to them. Hazel's dark brown skin contrasted the bright highlight on her cheeks and nose and she looked so fucking gorgeous. "Hey," She said with another heart melting smile. "You getting bored too?" I shrugged, "You could say that."
"Wanna get out of here?"
"Umm, you could murder me if you wanted to."
"But I don't." She winked caused my cheeks to tint. I thought about it quickly. Not like anyone would give a fuck if I didn't come back anyways. "Where did you want to go?" Her pearly teeth were on full show. "Well as I just moved here I was thinking we could find the coolest places here."
"Sounds great." She took my wrist in her hand and started to tug me to the exit before waving to the person who was beside her. I checked my things out of the slots they had up front and glanced to her, "Ever got a tattoo?"
"No but god, I wish."
"Want to go get one then?"
Her eyes lit up, "No way, really? I don't think it's as easy to get into a tattoo shop."
"I know a guy." She jumped a bit, like a little kid getting a new toy. I laughed at this and she punched my arm, "Don't bully me." I rolled my eyes before taking her to my car. She touched the side of it before getting in, making a comment on how beautiful it was. I got that a lot. I texted Rose quickly before I backed up my car, knowing the directions to my uncles tattoo shop by heart.
    The bell softly chimed as we entered, and classic rock ran through my ears, automatically making me feel better. Dean came out of the back station and wrapped me in a quick hug. He was like the father I wish I had. "What's up, Cheshire?" I rolled my eyes at the stupid nickname which caused him to laugh. He said I always reminded him of the Cheshire Cat from Alice. "Could you hook her up with a tattoo?" He seemed in thought for a bit. I've gotten a few tattoos from him so he knew I like small and easier ones to do. "Depends on if her parents know and what she wants," he glanced to Hazel. "Beautiful girl. I'm Dean, Chelsie's uncle. Who may you be?" She smiled, "The name's Hazel. My parents don't know but they're gone all the time anyways. I've always really wanted a pine tree on my shoulder blade?" She asked, sounding really hopeful but doubting. Dean seemed in thought. "If you're caught.. you got it from someone else." She clapped her hands enthusiastically, "Thank you so so much. How much will it be?"
"Since you're my Cheshire's friend, the first one's on me."
"No no you couldn't. I have to give you something."
Dean tapped his nose. "Fine, go back and put on a playlist of yours. I need new music in my life." She glared at him but as any smart person would, stopped arguing. I took her to the back where she searched her Spotify on the iPad that was connected to the speakers. She clicked a random playlist and I Want U by Alison Wonderland started to play. "Fuuuck I love you more already." I said and she laughed as I started humming along. Dean had set up and flipped the parlors' sign to 'Closed' so no one would come in and question us. He sounds irresponsible but he's the best person I've ever met.
    "I can't believe this is actually going to happen." Hazel mused to herself. "Want me or Chelsie to draw out a tree? Or print one off?" She glanced at me, "Chelsie can draw?" I shyly nodded before she requested me to do it, causing me to blush for the thousandth time this night.
    I finished the sketch in ten minutes or so, wanting it perfect. Hazel asked not to see it until the tattoo was done and god, I need more people like her in my life. For this short time I've never felt so alive. I was noticing my pulse and felt the blood pumping through me and I knew I was real. I was Chelsie and I was real.
    The tattoo was finished and wow, it looked great. She got up and glanced in the mirror, aweing at it. "You both did so great I've only dreamed of this." I smiled softly and Dean gave her the directions on keeping it clean and not infected. Dean also took a liking to her music, deciding to save the playlist for later use. "Thank you so much." My uncle smiled warmly. "Anything for you. You deserve so much Chelse, I hope you realize that soon." I hugged him tightly and we were on our way.
   Rose had texted me quite a few times, asking when we'd be back and if I was okay. She attached a video of Q who was shit face drunk, flexing to random girls and dancing like an idiot. I laughed softly and quickly texted her back. She responded just as soon, asking me to come back to help with the idiotic teenagers I called my family. "Hey uh, Hazel?" She looked up and smiled softly. "Sorry to have to cut this short but I have to go back to help with the kids." She laughed at my stupid joke, "You're such a kind and funny and talented person, I couldn't ask for a better night." Smiling like an idiot, I started back to the club, turning on Gnash and enjoying the comfortable silence.
    When we got back and reached the doors again Hazel wrapped me in a surprise hug, grabbing my phone from my hand as well. She called herself and added her number to my contacts. I looked down at it, Hazel💫. I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. "This better not be the last time I see you." She winked and disappeared into the doors and crowd, leaving me in shock, disappointment, and happiness.
WOWEIE ONLY TOOK A MONTH TO WRITE ANOTHER CHAPTER WHOOPS. Is there a day that would be good for me to update this story a week? I'm currently writing two stories so I need a day for each to update. Thx and ur amazing 💙 ~Shanee

Busted.     (girlxgirl)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें