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    The drive back from the one club we went to was pretty amusing. "You're all soooooooooo lameee-" Amy cut herself off with a giggle, "We didn't even use our fuggin cards!" I laughed at the fact that anytime Amy got drunk she never cursed. "Sorry, babe. Maybe next time." I murmured as I glanced in the rear-view mirror at her when a flood of emotions raked through my body, causing a headache and my heart to start pumping much faster. The familiar feeling of a depression crash crawled up my spine and to the back of my head. As I gripped the steering wheel tighter I looked back again to see if my friends were okay. Mark and Q were cuddled up to each other and I forced myself to focus on the adorable image of them in my mind. The soft touch of Rose's hand covering mine scared me, but her soft eyes took the feeling away. "Pull over, I'll drive."

   I was more than grateful for Rose as I climbed into the passenger and pulled my headphones out of my pocket. I usually allowed the crash to happen, listening to some sad music, but I was with them, so I played my upbeat playlist instead. And through the crashing techno beats, I somehow felt myself slipping out of reality.
Jumping, I quickly looked around for danger before I realized Rose was waking me. This caused me to groan. Must be back at my empty home. "Hey hun, you're home. I'm gonna take Q and Mark home but I don't know where Amy lives.." I tightly hugged Rose and kissed her head, "Where would I be without my other mom in the group?" I softly laughed. "It's totally okay, Amy can stay here." She nodded and squeezed my hand before getting out and waking the two boys. After they left I grabbed Amy's hand and led her inside.

Amy was kinda odd when she got drunk. At first she was super happy-go-lucky but then regretted everything- getting extremely honest and quite angry at herself and others. She was at the second stage, so I took extra care to treat her how she wanted to be. "I, um, I might throw up..". From glancing at her she looked not too nautious so I took time taking her to the bathroom.

After emptying her stomach I cleaned her up and took her to my bedroom before retrieving a cool glass of water and pain relievers. The bed slightly creaked as I climbed on it and had Amy take the pills, who thanked me. I started to leave to let her sleep but she tugged on my dress, "Why do you have to deal with so much crap when you're such a great person? You know? Why can't the world just be a fair place. Every time people figure out my parents let me do practically anything I want they say the same thing, 'Wow, I'm so jealous of you.' but they don't get it and probably never will. My parents are there but they aren't there. That doesn't make me lucky. You're the only one I know will always be there for me. You're the only friend that I really need. And I mean need. The fact that you're always here for everyone else but they aren't ever there for you shows that yeah, you're strong, and god I hope you get far in this stupid and fake world. Look at me," she motioned to her face and outfit before continuing, "I'm just plastic. Like a dumb blonde Barbie that girls want to be but I can't even change it. I can't be real. Because if I wasn't where would I be." She shook her head and sighed. It was obvious most of the alcohol was worn off since the long car ride and some sleep she had. Because she drinks so much, it takes the alcohol less and less time to wear off. Though this was true, her rant was kinda all over the place but I knew she really meant all that she said. "Either way you'd still have me. And I'm fine. I'm just getting through the world like everyone else is." Amy was already starting to nod off so I bit my lip and stopped talking. She wouldn't remember that much of the conversation anyways. "Get some sleep. I'll be in the living room if you need anything. I don't want to keep you up, okay?" After she nodded I grabbed a pillow and a throw, retreating to the living room where I turned on the TV softly, a re-run of American Horror Story playing.

After a few episodes my phone started to buzz, an unknown ID on the screen. It was extremely late but I pressed the device to my ear anyways, "It's Chelsie," I started before a voice snapped at me, "What the hell happened to your mom?" I let out a shaky breath as I registered the voice to be my grandpa, who, when I was 16, told me I was disgusting and a disgrace to the family to my face. Funnily enough, he hasn't said one word to me since. "Why don't you ask her?" I asked bitterly. "You don't think I tried? Stop being a dumb ass. Where. Is. Your. Mom?" I rolled my eyes, "In jail. Not that you care but I'm with my dad. I'm blocking this number so do me a favor and not talk to me again like you did for the past how many years?" I laughed shortly, "Go ahead and tell my mom I said that. I know you loved to tell her any little thing you saw me doing wrong." I hung up and did as I said, blocking the number and looking back to my show.
Hello children...... yis wow a new chap
Random person: lol no one cares
Shanee: *wipes tear and looks down* I know, I know..
Random person: *throws egg at me before disappearing*
UmmMm anyways.. SO THIS CHAP SEEMED KINDA BORING I THINK BUT idk I just really wanted to show a tiny bit of Amy's thoughts since you don't know her much as a character. Ooooo what do u think about the grandpa randomly showing up? Who knows what will happen there *wiggles eyebrows* WOULD U RATHER LIKE THE NEXT FEW CHAPS TO BE MORE ABOUT HAZEL, GETTING TO KNOW THE FREN GROUP, OR MORE ABUT CHELSIE AND HER LIFE?
Pls vote, comment, follow and that jazz, you're amazing and loved <3 have a great day today (or tmro if ur an ionlyreadandwriteonwattpadatnight type of a person like I am)
Gn ~Shanee

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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