House of Misery

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After their argument; after Adrilla told him she had murdered Eli Vett, Michael was at a loss as to what to do.He loved her so much but she had gone completely mad, had gone too far.Love or no love, how could she have done this terrible thing? He needed to discuss this with someone but he didn't know who he could trust, who he could confide in.In the meantime, he had to find Adrilla and talk to her.

Adrilla was distraught and beside herself. She had killed for Michael.She had taken another living soul's life and for what? So Michael could leave her for a woman he didn't love because she could give him a child; a child that was not even his; a child that belonged to the man she had killed?It was not going to happen.Not if she could help it.

Michael searched the mansion from top to bottom and could not find Adrilla anywhere.Where could she be?He didn't have time for this.He had to decide what to do.He needed to talk with Adrilla.He also needed to talk with someone else-someone who would understand and keep his secret.


Chapter One

John Invicktus was a very busy man.He had grown from a life of poverty to become one of the most influential and wealthiest businessmen in the clothing industry.He was a powerful, strong man with high powered friends.He was opinionated and knew when and when not to talk.He had been boyhood friends with Michael and they had remained close all through the years.He sensed there was something wrong with Michael ever since he had come in for the fitting of his new suit.He had wanted to ask then what was wrong, but thought better, knowing Michael would tell him when he was ready.It did concern him though that Michael and Adrilla did not seem the same somehow.And why was Michael suddenly paying more attention to Temperance than normal? He would just have to wait until Michael was ready to tell him.


Temperance was concerned and confused.What happened to Eli?No, she didn't love him-she didn't think she ever had.After all these years she still loved Michael.However she did care for Eli.After all, she was carrying his child.But his sudden disappearance did concern her.It wasn't like him to just take off like this. Yes, he had left her for several days at a time claiming they were business trips, but she had known what they really were.He had never been gone for more than three or four days at a time.She knew he had not been happy about the baby, but had said nothing about leaving her.The last time she had spoken with him was the night he disappeared.He was pouring over the finances looking for money to squander.They had had words and in the end, she had gone to bed leaving him in the study alone grumbling about the unwanted baby and no money.

Where was Eli?Was he all right?

Then there was Michael.Why the sudden change in him?One minute he was excited about the baby and talked of nothing else.He went on excitedly about leaving Adrilla and building a new life with her and the baby and having more children of their own.She had been apprehensive.But the more she thought it over, the more the idea appeal to her.He may not love her, but if they ran away together and Adrilla were not in the picture, maybe he could come to love her.But right now her greatest concern was what had happened to Eli.


Chapter Two

Michael, after giving it much thought decided he needed to talk to John Invicktus.He knew John from boyhood and had shared many confidences with him over the years.He knew John would listen and then advise him while keeping Michael's secret.He called John to see when he would have time to see him.John knew from the call that Michael was ready to talk and that it was important so invited Michael to have dinner with him that night.Michael was relieved to be able to share his secret with someone he knew he could trust with his life.

John listened quietly as Michael poured his heart and soul out.He couldn't believe what he was hearing.He thought as did others, that Michael had the perfect marriage, with the perfect wife, making for the perfect life.How deceiving looks could be.How deceiving life could be.Michael's house had become nothing but a house of misery.

He remembered standing as Michael's best man looking on as they took their wedding vows and how much he envied the love they had and wishing that someday he would find a love like theirs.Now he wondered if loving someone that much was worth all the hurt and anguish that Michael was going through.

"Michael, I really am at a loss for words but I don't really know what to tell you.You love Adrilla, but want to leave her for Temperance who can give you children even though you don't love her.Does your desire for children outweigh your love for Adrilla?

Your vows said "for better, for worse, in sickness and in health".Not only if you can have children.Not only if you don't make mistakes.No one is perfect in this life.Adrilla has done something terrible I know, however she did it out of the passionate love she has for you.Are you still going to leave her to suffer knowing she did it all for you just so you could leave her for someone you don't really love?Really Michael, you need to put some serious thought into this decision before you make any more mistakes you will regret."

Michael looked at John through teary eyes.He was dumbfounded.How could John not take his side fully in this situation?Surely he saw that it was impossible for him to stay with Adrilla after all was said and done.Yet there was some sense to what John said.He couldn't believe John would even suggest he stay with Adrilla after what she had done.Now that Eli was dead what was Temperance supposed to do?Who was going to take care of her and her unborn child?He really was going to have to give this some serious consideration.


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