Chapter 4

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John could stand it no longer.  He wanted to make Temperance his on every sense of the word and as long as she thought Eli was still alive he couldn't.  She would never live with him thinking she was still married to him.  He had to tell her.  It meant breaking his word to Michael but Temperance meant more to him than life itself.  He just had to find the right time- the right place.  He knew he needed to do it soon.  The child would be here soon and he wanted it to have his name.  He wanted them to be a complete family in every sense of the word.

Temperance knew John had something on his mind.  He had been so preoccupied the past few days.  She loved him do much and she knew he loved her.  It was as if their souls were one-had always been one. 

"John, what is wrong?  What is on has been plaguing you the last few days?  Please tell me.  Let me help.  Let me into your life.  I love you do much there isn't anything you could tell me that we can't work out together".

John listened and knew it was time to tell Temperance the truth-time to let her know about Eli.  Then with the grace of God, maybe she would finally have peace of mind and they could move forward with their  own lives.  He drew a deep breath and began.

" Temperance, I have something very important to tell you.  I can only hope that you will forgive me for having kept this from you for so long, but I had given Michael my word-something have always been honor bound to keep.  Now though, I feel I must break my word in order to make our lives complete.  I want to marry you but know I can't as long as you think Eli is out there alive.

Temperance stared at John.  She couldn't believe what she thought she had just heard.  Eli not alive?  "Go on".

John continued.  "A few months ago, Michael came to me and told me of his plan to leave Adriila for you because of the child.  Adrilla had overheard Michael's conversation with his mother about you and how angry Michael was.  Adrilla was afraid of what he might do to Eli-afraid that he might kill Eli and bring ruination to his name and his empire. Rather than let him do that, she devised a plan of her own and out of love for Michael she killed Eli. 

When Michael told her he was leaving her for you and Eli's child she went crazy and confessed to him what she had done.  She said that no one would ever find Eli's body or the murder weapon.  Michael came to me looking for confirmation that leaving Adriila was the right thing to do.  I convinced him that love was unconditional no matter what Adriila had done and that she had done it out of her love for him to protect him.  He has been looking all this time to tell her that has decided to stay with her; that his love for her outweighs the need for a child with a woman he does not love.  He hasn't been able to find her as continues to elude him".   John stopped, drawing in a deep breathe.  He looked at Temperance who just stared at him speechless.  What could she say?  Taking her in his arms John went on.

"Temperance, I love you more than life itself and I want you to be my wife.  I want us to be a family in every sense of the word when this child comes into this world.  I want us to be a loving and everlasting family filled with the love of a forever family.  Temperance after all I have told you-after all I have said, will you marry me?"

This was more than Temperance could take in.  Eli dead?  Murdered?  How could this be?  Married to John?  To the man she would love forever no matter what?

"Eli is dead?  Why, why have you kept this from me so long?  Don't you know how much I love you?  Don't you know how much I have wanted to be with you but couldn't because of Eli?  Oh John, how unfair you and Michael have been.  The thought that I could never be with you has made me so miserable and unhappy all theses days".  She turned to look John in the eyes.  She saw the unhappiness there from having kept this horrible secret from her.  She also saw the sincerity of her undying love for in those eyes and it brought tears to her eyes.  It melted her heart as she reached up to kiss him deeply. 

"Yes John, I will marry you, she said with loving forgiveness in her voice.  "and love you for all eternity".

John took a deep sigh of relief and returned her kiss with a passion he did not know he had.  Within days, they were man and wife bringing them together as a forever family.

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