Impulse x Villain!Reader

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Y/N: your name
E/C: eye color
V/N: villain name
F/C: favorite color
Y/W: your weapon

[You're 14 in this story]

Warnings: none


Opposites Attract

"You're not getting away this time, V/N!" You roll your eyes and smirk. You kick down the last team member, or at least that's what you thought.

A red and white blur runs around you before disappearing. You stand there confused, looking around.


As a reflex, you try to grab at whatever had just yelled in your ear.

A hand catches yours in mid-air and holds onto it tightly. You look at the person and get met with green eyes behind a yellow visor type thing.

What amazing 'mask'', you think, it doesn't even actually hide his identity.

With ease, you snatch your arm out of his grip.

"Sorry, baby boy," you say, your voice sarcastically sweet.

You get your Y/W and hit his head.

His eyes roll in the back of his head and his body limply drops down.

You smile in victory and step over the passed out bodies to get to the diamond necklace your mother wanted.

As you were exiting, you couldn't help but look at the passed out speedster with the terrible visors.

"Stupid boy," you mumble to yourself before slipping through an open window.


You smile at your mother, showing her the gift. You had already changed out of your suit into your civilian clothes so you wouldn't show her who you secretly were.

"Oh my dear! I love it!" Her eyes shine with happiness, and it makes your heart swell.

"How'd you manage to get enough money to get it?" Your mother asks, clutching it to her chest.

"A friend I have gave it to me as a gift. She's moving tomorrow, so she showed her appreciation towards our friendship." You look away from her, not trying to get caught in your lie.

You weren't exactly rich - if anything, you were the complete opposite of it.

Even with your mom working 3 consecutive jobs, rent was barely being paid.

"I saw how you looked at it the time we went in there to get your ring fixed. Plus, it's close to your
birthday," you say, "I wanted to surprise you!"

She pulls you in for a hug, "Thank you, honey. I love it so very much.

You smile, "mission achieved then."

The embrace ends and you head up to your room.

The walls were F/C just by chance. This place was rented, and you really couldn't change any aspects of the rooms.

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