Kal'duram x Dying!reader pt. 2

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The long awaited part 2 is finally here!! :)
warnings: character death, angst
word count: roughly 1.9k
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The Final Reckoning

Nothing. That's what Kal'duram felt since the life of his one and only was stripped away from him.
It's been four months since Y/N took a sword through her body by his own flesh and blood— his father. The betrayal he felt when he saw what lengths his father would take for him to join his army was absolutely heart wrenching. Of course, Kaldur believed it was his fault. He did curse himself for falling in love with a human; but he cursed himself for believing the external forces in his life would let him be and enjoy his life.

Kaldur solemnly twirls your engagement amongst his fingertips with a silent tear streaming down his face. He found it to be his top favorite past time, it made him feel closer to you.
He sighs and wipes the tear, placing your ring— along with his— into a box that held your many treasures before putting it a top his nightstand. With his head and heart heavy, he stands with a grunt, forcing himself to leave the confines of his room in the base. When he arrives in the base's common room, the faces of his team are bright with happiness, laughter filling the spacious room as Garfield smears chocolate on M'gann's face. He snickers to himself, wishing Y/N was sitting amongst them.
"Hey Kal," yells Bart," check this out!" He grabs a handful of popcorn and launches it into the air. In a split second, the popcorn isn't anywhere to be seen—except for the crumbs falling out of Bart's mouth.

For whatever reason, Kal'duram snaps.
"Is that anything important to show your superior?!" screams Kaldur, "there are groups that grasp the magic from the divine out to destroy us and everything we stand for, everyone we love, and yet you're here showing me a stupid popcorn trick?! Find something to do other than lazy about!"
He pulls a 180 on his heels and storms back into his room, immediately finding the box he just recently placed back onto his stand. Plopping back onto his bed, grasping your ring and the picture of you two together, he can't help but shake in anger and sorrow. Tears and torment wracking his body. The anger towards his father, anger towards himself, anger towards the world, was overwhelming; but the sorrow— the sorrow was meant for losing the love of his life to a cause he no longer wanted to fight. You.

The door slid open as silent footsteps tracked closer to his bed. The closer they got, the more hesitant they became.

"Kal?" questioned the person quietly, "Are you okay?"
He fluttered his eyes shut, still twirling the ring through his fingertips as he recognized the voice.
"Leave me be M'gann," he answers dejectedly.

He heard a soft intake of breath before he heard: "You know we all miss her too. The only difference between us and you is that we lean on each other to get us through our troubles while you lay isolated," she stepped closer and put her hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to deal with this alone. We are always here for you. We are family," she runs his shoulder for a second longer before taking it off and turning on her heel to leave his room.

When she's gone, Kal scoffs and pushes himself up.
"Right, well my first family murdered the ability to have another," he grabs his gear and delicately slides your ring into his suit.

"Now it's time to get my revenge."


"My boy," says Black Manta, slapping his back, "you've finally come to your senses. It only took a little human kebab to push you in the right direction. The winning direction," he winks before sliding his helmet back on.
It took everything in Kaldur's power to not end his father's insufferable existence right then and there, but that would've been a waste of all of his hard work. The fake deception to his team for nothing. He had to continue to win his father's trust before he could finally slice him like he sliced Y/N.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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