Chapter 1

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Tom's POV

     I walked through the halls of St Olga's reform school for wayward princesses. Policies had changed regarding the strict rule about boys not being allowed inside the school, well for me at least. They made a special exception for me to come in today to allow me to pick out a new bride. I had to face the truth Star Butterfly was over me and I had to move on. Coincidentally, my parents also told me it was time for me to pick out a bride. I was taking my sweet, sweet time  picking out a bride though because most of the girls at this so called "school" weren't exactly the re-formed type yet. It was hard to find a girl who was truly re-formed. No brainwash, no nothing. Just a purely perfect princess.

     I walked around for hours, talking to each princess on my parent's huge list that they told me to talk to. They only had one or two interests: Getting the heck outta here or my families large abundance of wealth. It seemed like all these girls cared about. I was about to lose all hope until stopped at one door in solitary confinement where I heard someone singing Awesome Feeling by my favorite band Love Sentence. I took out the spare key I took from the main office and unlocked the door to find a beautiful princess with a pink poofy dress, long brown hair tied up in a ponytail, and a cute little mole on her right cheek. She was perfect in every way except one I have no idea how she acts.

     She spun around faster than expected, turning sharply on her heels, "Star is that- oh it's you," she said. She sounded as if she was disappointed.

     I chuckled, "No, but it's nice to see my reputation perceives me I'm Tom, Prince Tom. Prince Tom Lucitor, and who might you be my little, bun bun?" I asked.

     She stuttered nervously, "I-I'm Marcia Marcia Diaz and I'm a Princess of Earth," she explained.

     "A Princess of Earth you say I had no idea they had any princesses on Earth!" I said quizzically sitting on the bed, "what part of Earth are you from?" I continued asked hoping to get to know her more.

     A bold smirk appeared on her face, "How much do you know about Earth?" She asked.

     "Enough," I lied I knew little to nothing about Earth except that Star had lived there with her friend Marco.

     "I am the princess of Azkaban," she said wittingly.

     I shot her a confused looked.

     "You don't know anything about Earth do you?" Marcia asked.

     "Not a clue," I admitted.

     "Well good thing you now have someone as cultured as me to help you figure things out!" she said.

     "When you say cultured what do you mean?" I asked.

     "I would say I'm pretty cultured, I guess you can say that I'm the perfect princess," Marcia said

     Just the words I was looking for.

     "If you're so perfect then what are you doing in a place like this?" I asked.

     Marcia froze stammering nervously again, "I-I don't know, why are we all here??".

     "Don't worry my dear, sweet bun bun I will whisk you away from this dump," I said.

     "Tom what are you saying?" Marcia asked.

     "Marcia I have looked all over the place and I think I finally did it," I said.

     "Tom, what is it, you're scaring me," she said backing  away.

     "I think I have finally found bride," I announced.

     "B-bride but we're only sixteen," Marcia said.

     "Age is only a number and besides demons usually get married around this age," I said.

     "But Tom I'm not a demon!" Marcia said.

     "I know and it'll be hard being the future queen of the underworld with you being a human and all but we'll make it work," I said trying to give her a reassuring smile but instead I gave her this answer, "I mean it's always better then being stuck in here you know forever."

     She thought long and hard about her answer before giving me one, but eventually she caved in giving me a nod. I extended my arm out to her. Her cheeks slightly flushed a light shade of pink before grabbing my arm and accepting my hand meaning she has agreed to be my bride. We walked through the halls of St Olga's reform school for wayward princesses together. I was proud as I walked because after days of searching I have finally found the perfect bride.

Author's note:
Not the chapter originally voted for a but a revised version since 2016 in honor of svtfoe ending the other day. Not only will I be rewriting published chapters but I will be continuing the story!

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