Chapter 3

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⭐Star's POV⭐

     I grab a handful of nachos shoving them into my mouth. Marco hasn't been over in a while, I miss him. He's my best friend, despite what Janna and others might think. I went over to his house a couple of days and Mariposa told me she hasn't seen him all week and thought he was staying with me. I went home disappointed. I went to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal when I realized I was out of Captain Blanche's Sugar coated corn flakes. Doubled disappointed, I put on my slip-on ballerina slippers (Marco was right they're surprisingly comfy ^_^) and went to the store. 

     While I was at the supermarket I ran into Angie. She looked at the terrifying amount of cereal in my shopping cart she giggled and asked how long Marco and I were gonna keep pretending not to be a couple and just move in with each other again. I giggled awkwardly bought my cereal and yeeted myself onto the sofa and haven't gotten up since. I tried looking for the motivation to get up, to find Marco, but I couldn't find it. My need for adventure just wasn't there anymore. I was the one who suggested that maybe we needed space and Marco agreed. So we went home. 

     I moved back in with my mom and dad but being the leaders of the former Mewman race post cleaving of the dimensions sort of went to their heads so I moved out. I crashed at Eclipsa at the Monster Castle for a couple of days (weeks??? months? Who knows!). I got to stay for free as long as I protected Meteora. 

     . . . Unfortunately, monsters and Mewmans still don't get along and throwing humans into that mix did not ease those tensions. I was sorta depressed. Seeing everyone still at odds with each other despite everything that's happened. I tried to stop the magic I was sick of it. I didn't ask for the magic to come back that wasn't my birthday wish . . . I wouldn't get off the couch for days until Marco talked to me about how there's always gonna be prejudice even on Earth, but as long as there was Hope and people like us one day.

a/n: this takes place a year after Star destroyed the magic until on her sixteenth birthday- boom! the magic returned! Star's sorta bummed out. On one hand, she misses going on adventures with her best friend but on the other, she hates that people keep thinking that they're dating. 

(this is the part where I depreciate myself. Feel free to skip this part but please feel free to read if you want some insight on the recessions of da authour's mind) I don't know where the story's gonna go yet. I set some stuff up in the first two chapters but I sorta feel bad that I don't have a plot or anything thought out yet. I love getting notifications from this book. They make me feel happy when I'm down. I wasn't even planning on continuing the book but I got hella inspired by the commenters to try! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I had fun writing Star's character and tried to go in a different direction than the trope I thought of in my head. I haven't read a tomco fic in so long, but from what I've read they're really good and from what I can remember the tropes that I made up weren't there so that good. If you'd like to know what those are, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below. Writing another chapter will allow me to express my opinions on things, but this paragraph is getting too long so I'm gonna stop now lol. Once again, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next one bai

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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