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Audrey pushes open the door, signaling a bell to ring as she steps inside the building. She walks straight to the counter and looks down to see a signup sheet. She signs her name, and then follows other people who are coming in to the next yoga class.

Trying to stay out of the way of the public eye as much as possible, Audrey stays in the back by herself. She sees Shelby walk out in tight, black yoga pants, and a matching sports bra, showing off her luscious curves.

Shelby starts to roll out her mat, and looks up. Her eyes meet chocolate brown, and she's shocked to see Audrey, but a smile spreads across her lips. She mouths a quick 'hello' and immediately begins the class.

"Hello, class," Shelby addresses the rest of the room. "Everyone roll out your mats and begin your stretching."

They start off easy, breathing exercises, a half moon, the palm tree, then follow by the downward doggy. Audrey stares into the mirror that is behind Shelby, and sees the woman's perfect ass on display before she goes into the position herself.

After almost an hour of class, Shelby wraps it up, and head out into the hallway to talk to anyone who needed to ask her anything. After everyone leaves, Shelby notices that Audrey is waiting back in the main yoga room.

"Audrey," Shelby says to get the attention of the shorter blonde. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Yes actually," the Brit turns with a smile. "Have dinner with me?"

The yoga teacher was taken aback by the straight forwardness of other woman. "I... I'm busy tonight."

"What about Friday?" Audrey bites her bottom lip in anticipation.

"I think I can do that." The taller of the two says as she goes to roll up her yoga mat. "Where should I meet you?"

"I'll pick you up."

Shelby sighs, "Are you at all interested in yoga?"

The Brit laughs. "I find yoga brilliant when a certain woman is the teacher." Audrey pulls out her phone from her bag, and then hands it to the yoga instructor. "Your number, please." Shelby quickly typed her information in before handing it back to the latter. "Ace! Well, until Friday, my lady." With that the older woman was gone.

Throughout the rest of the day, Shelby couldn't get the actress out of her head. From what she said, to the way she talked with her beautiful accent, and small lisp, to the way she was dressed. She tried to shake off the thoughts as she got ready to head home. After locking up she headed to her car and back home to Matt.

After arriving, she walked inside to smell dinner. A smile spread on her lips, thinking that for once Matt cooked for her, but she is wrong. A sigh leaves the woman's lips when she sees Matt sitting in the couch watching TV and stuffing his face with Chinese.

"I got takeout," Matt informed Shelby in between bites.

"I see that..." The dirty blonde sighs, sitting beside the man on the couch with a slight 'umph.' She grabbed one of the cartons and used a chopstick to pick at the noodles. "I miss cooking."

Matt shrugged, "and I miss our old life."

"I don't." Shelby whispered to herself as she sees a commercial for My Roanoke Nightmare.

"Before that, I mean." The husband clarifies.

"Oh," she says before eating the cold noodles that were left. "I'm going out on Friday."

"You are?" The man asks in a neutral tone.

"Yes, with Audrey Tindall."


"I haven't been out in a long time," she sighs. "I just want to get out of the house for a while."

"I wasn't asking why you were going out, why are you going out with Audrey?"

"She asked."

"You met her?" Matt moved sideways to face his wife, the look on his face was a little too eager.

"Yes, what do you seem so excited for? You're not going?"

"Why not?"

"Because, if she wanted both of us to go she wouldn't have just sought me out."

"You would seriously leave me here all alone?"

"You do it to me all the time." The woman shot back before getting up and going down the hall to take a shower. As she went into the bathroom she heard Matt call her name, but she just shut the door.

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