Introduction Chapter [Pt.II]

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"Mom? Dad? Where are you going?"


"Aurora.. she.." His mother speaks with a scratchy voice.

"What happened to her? Are we all going for night out?" Confused.

"No Aaron. Aurora.. "

"What are you both saying? Dad?"

"She is in the hospital, son."


Wide eyes.

"What happened to her dad? Mom?"


"She met with an accident."

"What? When! How did you know?"

Slight raise in voice.

"Calm down Aaron, George called. He said, she had left home saying that she had to come for your game practice. Apparently halfway through, some truck hit the bike sideways."

Strangled cry.

"Is she okay now?! Tell me! Mom?!"

"We were just going to check on her. Change quickly. We have to go now."

Sound of running up the steps.

14 seconds.

Sound of footsteps coming back down.

"Come! Let's go!"

The boy drags his dad by the hand.

Footsteps down the porch.

Doors of the car open and close.

"Quick dad!"


The family of four rushes to the  inquiry desk.

"Excuse me? I have come to meet someone with the name Aurora Summers. We had been called from the hospital."

"Just a minute sir, Aurora right? Give me a second, okay. The patient had been admitted in room 1007, level three, around the first corner."

"Thank you."

They rush to the lift and wait as it goes up. The lift stops and they get out.





They stop outside the room that says 1007. Everyone, except Aaron, enters the room where a man is seated beside the bed, where a girl lays. He mumbles something every now and then into the unconscious girl's ears.

"George." Mr. Richmond addresses the man. George turns around. Everyone let's out a gasp seeing him. His eyes are red, cheeks stiff with dry tears. The girl on the bed is surrounded by tubes and needles. A monitor shows her faint heartbeat.

"Thank you for coming Adam. I am so worried. I got a call from the hospital while I was in my office. I didn't know what to do Adam, when I saw her being laid on the stretcher. There was so much blood!" He speaks with his face in his hands, while the visitor pats his back sympathetically.


Aaron stands outside, his face laced with sadness. Why did god have to do this to his best friend.

"Why?" He says angrily, ad a tear slips down his face.


Adam leads the father outside to talk. Mrs. Richmond follows them with her baby daughter. She puts her hand on her son's shoulder comfortingly and walks away.

Aaron straightens himself and walks slowly to the door and stops there.

"Aura..." His voice comes out broken.

The girl he knows as his best friend lies there. A breathing mask on her face. Bandages all over her body. He holds on to the door for support as he cries silently.

He wants to wake her up, talk to her. He opens his mouth to say something, but no words come out.

He drags himself to the chair near the bed and sits there. He tries to talk again, yet silence covers the room. He wants to be optimistic, but.. no! She will wake up!

And he sits straight.

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