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Dear Aura,

I am writing to you because I can't form any words. How can I, when you are in front of me covered with stitches, and bandages and tubes. How did this happen, and why? Why did that truck driver have to be drunk? Why did he have to hit your car? All these questions are forming in my mind, and I can't think about anything else.

I just came home from practice when I got to know about you. They told me that you were coming there to give me a surprise. Were you insane? Coming there at that time, so late? Couldn't you have waited till tommorow? Look what happened.

You are such an idiot Aura! Can't you see that your best friend is sitting here? Can't you see that I'm feeling so alone, and empty. I swear, when you wake up, I'm gonna whoop your ass for doing this! C'mon, even Leah misses you! Wake up for her at least? 

Don't you care how I am feeling?

It hurts, it hurts to see you like this, like you'll never come back!

Wake up 'Brits', please?

Love you dumbo!
Your Alvin [ See, I'm even using our nicknames, wake up...]

The Last LetterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя