Chapter 26

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Aarons POV

She bandaged my left arm very carefully and proceeded to tie it around my shoulder, fastening it with a safety pin and making a sling. It was quite impressive.

"Where did you learn how to do that?" I asked while evidently admiring her handy work.

"Sunshine Scouts when I was eight." She replied. "Dorky I know but it comes in handy."

"It does. I was in Cub scouts when I was little. I only learned how to tie knots though, I wasn't there for very long."

"Why not?" Lucy asked curiously.

"Mom didn't think it was a very good idea giving my 'condition', her and Dad had a huge fight about it.

"Are they still together?" Lucy asked slowly as if she was regretting asking before she had finished.

I didn't mind that she was asking questions about my life, it was nice to have someone to talk about it with, seeing as I lived alone and I could never talk about that sort of stuff with the guys.

"No, they're not...Dad died when I was twelve, nothing dramatic or heroic. He died of alcohol poisoning. Entirely his own fault."

"And your mother?" She asked avoiding anymore talk of my father, she must have sensed I didn't want to talk about him anymore.

"She lives in Canada with her husband, Paul. Me and him don't see eye-to-eye so I don't visit. And that's all there is to it."

Lucy nodded and we moved on from the subject, avoiding what could have been an awkward situation.

She went to the kitchen and returned with cotton wool soaked with hot water. She begun sliding the cotton wool over my face very gently and slowly, cleaning the dried blood and dirt that was there due to Luke's football boots. She was very careful as to not hurt me and as I looked at her beautiful, caring face I realised just how much I longed for her to remember the kiss we shared that night.

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