Chapter Nine(James): this piece of junk

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A week had gone by since I put Thea in my bio on Instagram and Twitter. Still, has she yet to ask me about it. Maybe she didn't notice? Who knows. My DM's have been blowing up asking me who this 'Miss Priss' is, though.

I walked out of the locker room, heading towards the field. I'm honestly really surprised the team wanted me so bad. I figured since I had to move my senior year, my football career was done.

"McCall," coach yelled.

Jogging over to the rest of the team, I nodded at the coach, signaling that I was sorry for taking so long.

"Alright, as you fellas already know, Mr. McCall has joined our team. From this day forward, we will accept him on our team and treat him like we've known him since he started on JV," he took a long breath, "Got it?"

The whole team answered, loudly, "Yes sir!"

"Alright," coach blew his whistle, "start running."

I may be new here but I know what that means. So, off I went, running around the track field.

Before I knew it, I was in front of everyone else and didn't slow down. Coach blew his whistle, signaling for us to huddle up.

"Nice work, McCall. I didn't realize you were so fast. I'm thinking you'll be offense, but we need to see how you are on the field," and with that, we spent the next two hours scrimmaging and running around.

"Hey, nice work out there, McCall," one of my teammates commented as we headed out of the locker room.

"Thanks dude," I answered.

He reached out his hand and introduced himself. "Hi, my name is Tyler, but everyone around here just calls me Ty," he said.

I shook his hand and started walking towards my bike.

"No way, McCall! This is yours?" Ty commented like a 16 year old girl.

Rubbing my neck awkwardly, I answered "yeah, I bought it when I was 15 and have been working on it since then."

"DUDE! That's amazing! All I have is this piece of junk," he pointed to a faded green '76 Ford. "I can't seem to figure out the rattling noise. Are you any good with trucks? You think you'd be able to help me out sometime?"

"Yeah, I think I could manage that," I said, walking back over to him and handing him my phone. We swapped numbers and I headed home.

Once I got home, I ran upstairs, ignoring my mom when she told me to get some food before going to bed.

I opened window and saw Thea sitting on her bed with papers scattered everywhere.

"Hey, Miss Priss, you know they say if you study too much you'll get wrinkles," I smirked.

She jumped, and looked up with a dazed look on her face. Rubbing her eyes, she laughed.

"Well in that case, I'm gonna have premature wrinkles at 17," she said, walking over to her window.

"Wanna do something this weekend?" I asked, feeling a bit awkward just staring at each other.

"When? I've got work Saturday morning and church on Sunday," she answered, sounding a bit tired.

"Tomorrow night sounds fine. Oh hey, also, why was my idiot of a brother over here the other day," I questioned, not amused at all by the fact that she hadn't mentioned it to me yet.

Her face turned a deep crimson red. "Oh, well, umm, he came to help me on my car," she said, getting up from her sitting position.

"Oh really?" I asked, trying not to laugh seeing her squirm so much.

"Yep. Yes. That why he was over. I can't even remember his name. What was it again? David? Drake? Daniel?" She fidgeted with her shirt hem.

"Thea, its fine," I laughed, "I know he came over here to ask you to be friends with me."

Her face went back to the normal pale color, "oh thank goodness. I told him I wasn't good at lying," she answered.

Then it got real quiet between us.

"Well, this is awkward," she commented.

"Will you help me study? I don't understand the Trig class I'm in and I heard you're like really smart, or something," I chuckled.

I chuckled? I just chuckled?

"Yeah, of course. Do you want to study through the tutoring program at the school or just at me house after school?"

"I'm not going through a tutoring program, but I joined the football team, so I can't study right after school," I answered.

"You joined the football team!?" She practically yelled.

Confused, "yeah? Why?"

"As if I am not already getting death threats, when people find out I live next to the new guy, 'Hottie McBodie'" she used air quotes for that part, "AND the newest member of the football team, I'm a dead woman walking," she sighed dramatically and pretended to fall to the floor.

"Oh shut up," I laughed. I got up and closed my window, walking into my bathroom to take a shower and head to bed.

Thea is actually pretty cute when you think about it. I can't get over the idea of her being Miss Priss, but I can see why some guys would fall for her.




I know it might seem like I'm rushing the story and I'm really trying not to I just have so many things mapped out on my head for these two to encounter and go through  and I am just so excited. So bear with me, it will get better, I hope.

On that side note, ITS MY DADS BIRTHDAY. How exciting, right?

Good luck to anyone who's finals started this week.

I love you all sooooooooo much <3

Have a great day, lovelies.

Xoxo thescaryg1rl

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