Chapter 15 (Thea): ...this cannot be good

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A/N: HELLO LOVELIES I MISSED YOU ALL. So much as happened since my last Author's Note...I apologize it took so long to update you all after that cliffhanger, I realize now that nearly 7 months is a longgg time and I always hate when authors don't keep us posted0: I'll get into the details at the end of the chapter, but for anyone who's reading this, thanks for sticking with me after my sabbatical. I love you all! Enjoy this chapter(: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Well that's odd, he rarely ever sends repeating periods unless he's up to something...this cannot be good. Give me strength to get through this one.


What's up?

I sent the text as I walked towards the door to the lunchroom.

"Thea!" Sophia yelled at me. I looked up to see her barreling towards me with a big smile. "I have got something huge to tell you!"

I smiled at my best friend, it's so great to see her happy. I miss laughing with her all the time. I suppose I haven't realized until now that senior year has had us both stressed out almost to the max. "Alright, alright. What is it?" I asked back to her, with enthusiasm in my voice.

"Not here!" She whispered, looking around. Grabbing my hand, she led me into the bathroom near the gymnasium. As soon as we got in, she looked under every stall to make sure we were alone, then locked the door, for extra measures.

"Okay, I give, what's up Sophia?" I asked, crossing my arms. The last time she freaked out over something this way it was to tell me she got her first kiss and she was too worried that everyone in the 7th grade would think she was a slut.

"I did it!" she looked at me with really big eyes.

"Did it would?" I asked back, uncrossing my arms and raising my eyebrows.


Wait, what? Sophia asked James to homecoming?

"Well, aren't you going to say something? You're freaking me out" Sophia spat out after a few seconds of my face staring at hers in disbelief and shock.

"Wow" was all I managed to get out.

"I know right! I wasn't going to but then I thought what the heck why not? Thea doesn't like him so I should go for it. So I did! I slid a note into his locker and now I just have to wait for a response! But I can't really see him saying 'no', he's too nice of a guy. How great is this, Thea!? I have a date to senior homecoming!"

I mustered a smile at her just seconds before she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Isn't this great!?" she asked, with the spark in her eyes that has been missing for so long. How could I get upset with her over this? Just look at how happy she is.

"I am very happy for you," I gave her a genuine smile. "Now all you have to worry about is his response. He actually just texted me, maybe it was about this," I commented, pulling out my phone.




Alright I'll just ask you when I get to lunch.

Whoops I can see our little friend gets impatient, doesn't he?


Hey, sorry! Sophia and I had to use the little girls room. We're headed to the cafeteria right now. If you want to talk to me about it first, you can just say you didn't check your locker yet today(: Just let me know.

I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Well?" Sophia asked with eager eyes.

"Nothing, sorry. But hey we really should head to the cafeteria, I haven't eaten yet today." I made the comment while walking to the locked door. I turned around to see Sophia fixing her hair in the mirror. "Sophia, you're beautiful the way you are, if he can't see that, he's no good for you."

"Oh, Thea, always the wise one. Alright lets go" she said, smacking her lips together and walking towards the door.

The hallway was oddly empty. Usually there are a few students who get their lunch then eat out here. Is there an announcement going on today that I forgot about?? Oh my gosh this cannot be happening to me right now. I never miss these announcements.

Pushing the doors open, I took a big breath, hoping I didn't miss too much.

"...And there she is. The one woman of the hour! The one of the school. The one who left my side in high school. The one who seems to be there for everyone but me. The one."


A/N: Okay what's gooooooood everybody(: A little synopsis of my last 7 months: my dog died in the middle of May, I graduated high school at the end of May, I starting dating my boyfriend at the end of June, I started at University and moved out of the only place I've called home at the end of August, struggled through college courses this semester, watched my childhood best friend get married at the beginning of December, and finished all of my finals in the middle of December. A lot can happen in that amount of time, but I didn't expect all this. My boyfriend and I's 6 months is on Thursday, and he comes home real early Saturday morning(: so I'm very excited. It's been a crazy past few months. I am sure all of you had crazy months too. And while I haven't been active, I have seen every comment and messaged every person back that's messaged me. So if you're ever going through something and you want to talk about it, I'm here. I hope you all had a wonderful summer, semester, and are enjoying the start of the Holiday season(: I love you all so much.

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