His Game of Simon Says

26 7 1

By My_life32


Brown, curly hair hangs over a furrowed, sad face. Sparkling silver eyes, set thightly within their sockets, watch longingly over the spirits they've been isolated from for so long. Fair skin handsomely compliments his hair and leaves an amusing memory of his fortunate destiny. This is the face of Simon Dawnwing.

He stands tall above others, despite his delicate frame. There's something extraordinary about him, perhaps it's his hatred or perhaps it's simply his sense of honor. But nonetheless, people tend to welcome him, while making up bigger stories about him. But, my story is different from everyone else's. He choice me to play his little game. His game of Simon Says.


Interesting first chapter. A lot of relatable referencing and targets the audience effectively. The chapters could be a little shorter and you need to go back and edit your work but overall it's a great start to a book and I look forward to reading more. Dialogue is a strong point. High school leavers will connect to this book.    


Forget about Simon, residentfuccgirl says to read this book   

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