Falling For The Christmas Their

23 4 1

By CaseyAndrina


"What? No, I'm not a woman," the boy said, his expression replaced by red blushes. "I have man stuff to prove that I am certainly not a woman. I have the balls to prove that I have balls."

"I don't think so," she uttered, breaking into a laughing fit. "You are a woman and you do not have 'man stuff' to even prove that he has one," she mimicked.

"Oh Jesus, I'm going to die. Remember to say that 'Kylie died laughing because you do not have 'man stuff'' during my epigraph," she said, frivolous.

"That's it," he said, angered. His hands were fiddling at the buckle of his belt. "You think I don't have 'man stuff', huh? I'll prove it to you so you just stay there while I unbuckle my-"

Life is like a box of chocolate, they say. But since this is a tale to be told during the merry holidays, its like a big wrapped box with a big huge ribbon at the top and consists of a gang of bad boys with good looks, a coffee geek that seems to be stalking her, a thief that breaks into people's houses but steals nothing and let's not forget to mention about an ill tempered old man that attempts to whack ALMOST everyone with his walking stick. Kylie Raquine and her siblings arrives in a town in North Carolina during the fall and it may be something that would brighten her little holiday.


It's a very cute and endearing start to the book. Lots of interesting characters and plot point in the first few chapters and it will be captivating to see how the story unfolds. The author uses the showing rather than telling to create good visuals and descriptions of characters personality traits and settings. Grammar and punctuation is clear cut throughout the book. It's the perfect book for the current holiday season.


I hope this book turns into my Christmas miracle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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