20 Facts About Ace

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Okay, okay, here is an insight look on Ace. I guess this could be the real 500 special...
1: Ace's really name is Dylon.

2: Ace would be a Blue Penguin in the show. "The little penguin is the smallest species of penguin. It grows to an average of 33 cm in height and 43 cm in length, though specific measurements vary by subspecies." (Thanks Wikipedia XD)

3: Ace was found by Skipper when she was 5 years old in an alleyway out of the town on a mission.

4: Out of the lemurs, Julien is her favorite.

5: Ace's middle name is Rockhopper, as in the rockhopper penguin.

6: Ace is bisexual. So that story between her and her enemy goes way deeper down the rabbit hole that presume.

7: Her favorite type of music is metal and rock.

8: Ace was kicked out of her elementary school for blowing up a classroom after someone took her stuffed rabbit, Killer.

9: Killer was given to her by Rico after she ran away from home when she was 6.

10: Killer is made out of an old rutsack.

11: Ace has bad allergies like me.

12: Ace adopted the name Ace after she turn 7, when she learned who her dad was.

13: She is borderline schizophrenic.

14: Her mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia when Ace was 3, leaving Ace to learn how to try to take care of herself and her with her father.

15: Her father has escaped from Hoboken over 16 times. He is currently on the run which caused him to leave Ace behind.

16: Ace's last name is unknown. She doesn't even go by Rockhopper for the safety of her and her mother.

17: Ace's mother passed when she was 13 but due to any connection with her or her father being erased, she was never notified until two years later.

18: She designed her deck of cards herself with the help of Kowalski. Using nanotechnology, Ace was able to manipulate the atoms in the card with just the press of a button–er, make that over 2,500 buttons.

19: Her favorite card game is solitaire.

And finally #20: Ace has an irrational fear of porcelain dolls or any doll for that matter. And Dolly existing didn't make it better.

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