~ Five ~

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Chapter Five:

"Wh-What?" Surprise filled caydens voice. "You heard me, no." 

I walked down the hallways which led to the gathering,room. "Skyyyy!" I heard Alena's tiny voice and smiled walking towards her. 

She clung to my arm and she giggled, "I missed you!" I smiled down at her and picked her up swirling her around. "I missed you too Ally." 

Someone cleared their throat from the entrance of the room and I turned around raising an eyebrow, "yes Mr. Grumpycat?" I smirked, while Alena giggled hugging my neck. 

"Why won't you go with me?" Cayden sounded slightly hurt but I ignored it, douchebags aren't my type. And if all guys are like this, no thanks, I just won't get married. 

I felt Alena play with my hair and held her close. "Because Dbags aren't my type." I replied with a roll of my eyes. 

"Why are you here? Don't you understand this is an all girls home?" I tilted my head, my face towards Cayden. 

"I'm here..." He clicked his tongue, "because I want you." 

I scoffed and set Alena Down on the ground, "go back to my room Alena, have a tea party with Mr. Moose, I'll be up in a second." I smiled softly when I heard the little pitter patter of her feet as she skipped away. 

Once I knew she was out of earshot, I snapped, "well, sorry to disappoint, I'm not up for sale." I said distastefully. 

"You see the thing is," his voice was venom, I heard him come closer, and I furrowed my eyebrows, a frown etched onto my face. "You were always mine." He grabbed my forearm tingles rushing through it and I gasped as he pulled me close. 

"Never was." I responded, trying to ignore the tingling feeling that ran up and down my arm. I struggled to get away, his grip tightening around my arm. 

"You feel them too, don't you?"his voice was confident, which pissed me off. 

"Yeah I feel it, I feel your assholeness. I'm just not sure how that much of a dickhead could be deemed mentally stable." I chuckled, hearing a growl of anger come from his chest. 

"No." He panted, "the tingles." 

I tilted my head, feigning confusion, "what tingles?" 

Cayden snarled, anger coming from him and the deep red blood color swirled around where he would be standing. 

"You're coming with me." He said between pants. Welp, I think I officially pissed off the douche.

"Oooooh, those tingles." I kicked him in the nuts and twisted his arm back, "yup, felt these before." I pushed him away before running off, heading towards my bedroom. 

There was a shout of rage and I laughed, shaking my head, "I wonder if the kitty cats ever been in a fight before." I ran into my bedroom and locked the door, hearing little Alena sing a song while probably making Mr. Moose dance. 

I smiled at the childhood memories of when I used to do that. "Who are we having tea with today Princess Alena?" I smiled more, walking up to where Alena was most likely kneeling next to the hospital bed. 

Of course, another issue with being in a low budget home that usually kept impaired people, was that most beds, if not all, were hospital beds. 

I've slept on the same bed, in the same room, for about twelve years, and I can still remember when I had wires and IVs hooked up all over me, when this entire room was an actual hospital room. Not a room, room. 

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