~ Seven ~

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Chapter Seven:

"Whoa, what are you taking about?" I asked confused. I was nose to nose with Cayden, and tingles erupted from the contact. He held my throat between his hand and my shoulder as well. 

"Let me rephrase that. What are you? " Cayden snarled. I furrowed my eyebrows, what is he talking about? "Well, American, I think Irish somewhere in there." I said shakily, hoping that was what he was asking for. 

Cayden slammed me against the wall again, "Not that." I gulped, terror probably written all over my face. "Cayden, I have no idea what you're talking about." I whimpered as his grip around my throat tightened. "Cayden, Lad. I don't think she understands what your talking about." Niall butted in, as his footsteps came closer to us. 

"Then what is up with your eyes?" His grip loosened slightly, but not entirely. I frowned furrowing my eyebrows, "What are you talking about? Mathilde says they are just white. Like most blind people." 

"You're not blind. If you were you wouldn't be able to run that quickly or dodge objects that fast." Cayden snarled. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. "When I was six years old my parents and I got In a car accident. I lost my vision and my parents lost there lives. I can only see faint outlines of things and of course peoples colors. But that's it. I'm blind." I tried to explain. 

My head started to hurt and I felt slightly dizzy, but I stayed up right, opening my eyes to the black. "See? Pri- Cayden, there must be an explanation for her eyes. Celia must already know of this." Niall said eerily soft, as if trying not to annoy Cayden. 

I blinked, "Celia? Celia's here? What?"  

Cayden let go of my throat and I stumbled to the floor coughing, trying to take in a deep breath. "My apologies Sky. You just scared me for a moment. I will see you at dinner." He paused before addressing Niall, "Niall, take her to her bedroom, she may rest there for awhile. I am going to speak with Celia, she must know something about..this." I assumed they both nodded at each other before Cayden walked off quickly, his heavy footsteps creating a rhythm as he walked across the door. 

Niall's gruff hands grabbed my upper arm and pulled me upright, "I apologize for his outburst miss, he's quite hot headed." Niall said gently tugging me down the hallway, his footsteps even heavier than Caydens. I laughed humorlessly, "Tell me about it."

Niall chuckled, a deep gruff laugh. "Your eyes are quite beautiful, I must say." He complimented as we walked up the stairs. A frown etched itself on my face and I turned to him. "What color are they? I don't understand why Cayden freaked out like that. My eyes are white....right?" I furrowed my eyebrows when he let out another laugh. "Laughing at a blind person aye?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. 

"No, No, not at all. Lass, your eyes are most definitely not white." I felt Niall lean in closer to my face, not in a creepy intimate way, more just looking at my eyes. I turned my head away, facing in front of us. "What color are they then? I hardly remember what they look like before the crash."

"They're..." He paused, grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hallway once more, "They're a bright bright turquoise, and they continuously change between turquoise and a vibrant blood red." Niall said softly. A gust of air poured across my face as, I assume, a door was opened. "That makes no sense," I snapped, "those colors don't exist for human eyes. Or come to think of it, any creatures eyes." 

All Niall did was chuckle, before nudging me in the room and shutting the door behind me. 

I stood there dumbfounded, did that actually just happened? 

I sighed. 

"God I must be going insane." 


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