5. Adoring Enigmas (All The Colors That I Saw)

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Part 5: Adoring Enigmas (All The Colors That I Saw)


So this is where you fell

And I am left to sell

The path to Heaven runs through miles of clouded Hell right to the top

Don't look back

Turning to rags and giving the commodities a rain check


Svarog ran for the door and answered it.

"Dan?!" Arin was surprised. "What brought-"

"Look, we have no time to chat," Said the visitor. "Heard shit's about to get crazy!"


"What's going on?" Mapulon joined the conversation.

"Ah, Kevin!" Then continuing, "let's get outta here."

"Wha-where?" Asked the Slavic God.

"Australia! We have to get away from the war as much as possible." Dan replied. "Now hurry up and let's go!"

"Fuck, I forgot about the trip!" Arin exclaimed as Kevin facepalmed, knowing he forgot too. Hemera's condition was apparently that much of a problem.

Convenient now that you think about it, seeing as the trip gave the friends time to hide from the war.

"But what about Hemera?" Kevin asked.

Arin gasped and ran back in to get her.

Kevin looked behind Dan to see a vehicle. "Are you sure we can make it to the airport in time?"

"Not until ARIN HURRIES THE FUCK UP!" Dan yelled into the household.

"Nyx's shadows have been chasing me for who knows how long, and I'm scared those things will catch up to us." He turned to Mapulon. "Let's get in."

So Dan headed for the car. Kevin was about to until Arin came, carrying an unconscious Suzy.

The Philippine God assisted the Slavic God who was carrying the Greek Goddess.

They loaded themselves into the car, and Dan floored it immediately after they settled.

"Anyone else heading there?" Arin asked.

"Barry." He said. "And my human friend too."

"You're bringing Brian there?"

"We haven't hung out in a while." He replied. "This period's the only time he's free from his teaching job at that university in-what's that? London. Yeah, in that Harvard place."

"Is he gonna be fine with us all...you know?" Kevin asked.

Svarog and his clique of friends blended with human society. Dan, who was part of this clique, had met Brian before the rest did. Eventually, Brian joined the clique, but he had no idea about who his friends truly were.

This Brian is different from Abellio, who went by Brian.

This Brian is Dr. Wecht, for those who didn't know.

"Let's just not use our...abilities in front of him. Even if he isn't gonna believe it, a destroyed worldview is probably the last thing he needs." Dan said, in response to Kevin's question.

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