Dedications to the Author

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To aqueenofokay,

     It makes me very happy that I was able to even write this! I put a lot of hardwork and effort in to this and I cherish this so much.

In regards to the original La La Land, that book was one of the best pieces of fanfiction I've found so far in this site. Dude, be proud of that. It's hard for me personally to find the really good stuff. (Or maybe I'm just really nitpicky with the stuff I read.) I admire the depth of the conversations in the book. I really do!

I'm very excited to write the next FoMC book about the upcoming sequel. Although, a FoMC book about a PirateAU!Fanfic may be written first. (You should also read it too!)

Anyways, thank you. Just thank you!

Blessings and Merry Christmas,
Noobsome Exagerjunk/The Masked Dog

P.S. If requested, this dedication may be deleted and transfered to my Conversations on my profile. Thank you.

P.P.S. Solve the anagram and discover a probable hint to the next story. The anagram is TORSO.

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