~*~Chapter 7~*~

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"Well, Miss Ro'Meave-" she cut me up "Call me Zianna darling" Miss Ro'Meave said "OKAY Zianna, I'm

~Recap over!~

Y/n's POV
"Okay Zianna, I'm Y/n! And at first to answer your question, no...we worked perfectly fine at the beginning, but now..." I trailed off "Oh my! Your gonna be late for school! Why don't you come and ride with us!" Zianna suggested

"N-no thank you...thank you for the kind offer tho..." I said with sadness in my voice and looked to the ground

"Nonsense! Your coming! I don't want to see you walking on the street alone!" Zianna said "W-well if it's okay with you...okay then" I said and I closed my window and blinds

I got my backpack and swung it to my side so it was swinging and put my phone in my pocket and ran downstairs the closed the lights, when I turned around after I locked my house door I saw Zianna

"They said it was okay!! Eeeekkkk!!" Zianna squealed "Lets go now!" She said and I followed her to the Ro'Meave car and Zianna sat on the passenger seat and I sat beside Zane

"So, I hear your part of the Shadow Knights now Y/n?" Zane said "Yeah" I said not taking my eyes of my phone that I was using "Let me ask, HOW did you get in?" He asked

"Meh, just ditched my friends I guess" I said to Zane "Do you have a kind heart?" He asked "At first yah, but now...I would say, my heart was sucked into a void never to be seen again" I said "You are officially the best person I have ever known" Zane said and I playfully punched him on the shoulder and chucked

"Heheh, thanks bud" I said and Garte said "Okay kids were here!" Then I got out first, then Zane, then Vylad, then lastly Garroth, I walked to the stairs with Zane and we talked

Laurance walked over to me and said "Let's get this over with" and we walked over to the area and I sat my backpack down and I walked over to him "Hold on~"

then I inspected him and saw a small little camera and a ear thing on him and I threw it to the river and placed a chip there that made him do everything I say

"Now...let's do this" I said, I thought to myself to stand still and Laurance did that and he tried moving but I didn't let him, I narrowed my eyes at him and did a roundhouse kick and it hit him then let him move again, I scanned all the moves he knew so I would be prepared

He did a fire punch which I easily dodged, I spun really fast and then twisted his arm then kicked him into the water which took off the chip I put on him "Ahahahahahah! You'll never beat me!" I said and then got my backpack and swung it on my side and walked over to the Gang

"Did you put the chip on him and took it off?" Sasha said "Mhm..." I said then the bell rang "Welp, I'm going to-" Zenix cut me off "Homeroom? I don't think so hun, your one of us now...your skipping Homeroom with us" Zenix said

"Fine I guess" I replied and we went behind the school to the soccer field and I put my bag down on the bleachers and kicked the soccer ball to the goal and it scored

"Hey! Y/n, let me see your palm" Sasha said "Su-" I was cut off by Zenix once again "Don't! She's gonna do her weird palm thing!" Then I chuckled "Fine..." I said

I then got a text from Nicole and it said:

(N- Nicole Y-You)

Y- with my friends
Y- you all have corrupted the world...oh, and by the way, spend as much time as you can with Aphmau, cause after the bell will ring signaling dismissal...she DIES!
Y- That little POTATO IS STUPID! LAURANCE LOST OUR DUEL AND HE LOST, WHICH MEANS I GET O KILL THAT LITTLE POTATO FOR A FRIEND! You all had your chance, it depended on Laurace for you to get the old me back...and he failed...

(Warning! Violence and Cussing included! Might not be suitable for some audiences)

After I typed that message I closed my phone and heard footsteps...I noticed it was Nicole then she walked up over to me slowly "What has happened to you...? WE have not been corrupt...you have" Nicole said and I punched her eye making her get a black eye then punched her nose making it broken and bleed

At last I kicked her knee and she fell to the ground "AHAHAHA! Pathetic, it took me three moves to take you out...YOU PEOPLE are soft...making you weak..." I said softly "Wow...we've never seen anyone in our gang give someone that bad of a beating before" Lily said

The gang walked over to me, otherwise known as Gene, Zenix, Sasha, Ivy, Amy, and Lily and stared at Nicole "YOU little piece of shit...keep yourself and your friends away from me..." I said (I WARNED YOU!) then I noticed a red light from her neck so I kneeled to her and got it off her

"A camera, microphone, sensor, and scanner joined together..." I mumbled but they couldn't hear it "I've found your chip guys, I know this was made by techmoto...ill hack trough your system, I'll delete everything you found out...and Aphmau...have as much time as you can with your friends, cause after the school day...you will DIE, HAHAHAHAH!" I laughed at the end then destroyed the chip

Garroth's POV
"I've found your chip guys, I know this was made by techmoto...ill hack trough your system, I'll delete everything you found out...and Aphmau...have as much time as you can with your friends, cause after the school day...you will DIE; HAHAHAHAHAHA!" She laughed at the end then crushed the chip

"We need to get her back..." I said to myself "I know you care about her Garroth...but maybe it's time to move on..." Laurance said "NO! WHY WOULD YOU ALL SAY THAT?! THAT SHE WOULD LEAVE US FOR THOSE PEICES OF SHIT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE ALL POSITIVE! ILL PROVE IT TO YOU RIGHT NOW THAT SHES STILL IN THERE! THAT THAT KIND Y/N IS STILL IN THERE!" And with that, I ran off

I ran to the soccer grounds, otherwise known as the back of the school and when I looked over there I saw them all talking and laughing together, then Y/n noticed me and walked over to me and they all followed

"What are you doing here you mother fucker?" She said "I want to join you guys..." I said then Gene punched me in the face and I passed out

The Skater Girl in School (Garroth x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now