~*~Chapter 9~*~

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Y/n's POV
(Your at your house now)

"Ahhh...home sweet home, so glad it's Saturday today!" I exclaimed

I was wearing a (aquamarine, ruby, or crystal) necklace around my neck, short shorts, and a f/c shoulder-less shirt with a white tank top at the bottom of it. I already ate breakfast with the Ro'Meaves before I left.

I wondered what I would do and I decided to play Hello Neighbor for my YT channel

(yes in this you have three YT Channels, one is a Gaming one, the other is for skating, and the third is for blogging and all three of them have about a million subscribers)

since it was recommended so much...the problem was it was scary n' stuff so I called over Garroth and he arrived in a matter of seconds

"Sir Garroth at your service!" He said when I opened the door and chuckled at him and stepped aside for him to get in

"Sooooo....what are we doing? I hear it's a game?" He asked and said

"Yeps!" I said

I showed him the equipment that I had set up beside my computer and he has his mouth dropped open

"WAIT...YOUR Y/N?! THE Y/N?! Y/N GAMING?! HAS OVER A MILLION SUBS!?!?!?!?!?!?" He screamed like he was crazy

"How did you not notice before? I'm guessing you and your friends are my subscribers from my channels? And your the one that kept commenting on my vids?" I chuckled

"UH YEAH!!!" He yelled then he noticed the game we were playing

"Hey! I know this game! Gloom Games played it with Carl! I'm guessing you want me to do the same thing Carl did for her? Keep her company?" He asked

"Her name is Cassie, I know her. And yes" I said

"WHAT THE?!" He said then fainted

"GARROTH!" I said and kneeled beside him and I knew he was awake

"Wake up you doofus! My fans are waiting!! If you don't I won't introduce you to them and introduce Laurance to them insteaadddd~~~" I said

"IM UP!" He said

I chuckled at him and sat at my leather chair and he took a seat next to me that I set up and turned on the face cam then the recording

"Hey guys! Y/n here! I'm here with my friend Garroth Ro'Meave! Check out his and our other friends YT chanels! Now Garroth, tell them what's your channel and what we're playing!" I said

"Hey guys! I'm Garroth, we met at the first day of high-school and my channel is Garroth Playz870 and as you can tell from the screen we are playing HELLO NEIGHBOR!" He said and I chuckled at him

"Anyways let's get this started! Oh! And also subscribe to my friends channel Gloom Games if you haven't!" I said then clicked the mouse which started the game

"Ohh! This looks nice!" I said as the story played then it showed us the list

"Okay, turn on the electricity, go inside, and take a nap" Me and Garroth said in unison

"Hey! That's what I said!" We said in unison again then laughed

I moved the mouse and our character moved so I walked over to the electric box then we did the rest of the things in the list

After we took a nap we saw visions, well it looked like it and I hugged Garroth when the neighbors face popped out

I blushed when I noticed what I was doing and let go

"You look cute when you blush.." He said then chuckled as I blushed darker and continued with the game

We woke up beside someone else's house and I knew what to do since I watched Glooms vids on what she did and did the exact same

~*~After the recording~*~

"Wow! We did that in one episode guys! Hope you liked me becoming scared and Garroth JUST CHUCKLING AT ME!" I said

"Bye guys!" We both said in unison and I placed the outro

"Woo! That was good!" I said

"Yeah, takes out an appetite! You hungry? Wanna go to a restaurant so we can eat?" Garroth asked and said

"Why not!" I said and got out my car keys then dragged him outside and just when I was about to open the drivers seat to my car when he carried me bridal style and sat me down on the passenger seat


"Your not driving!" He replied

"Hmph!" I said

"Fine..." I continued giving up and he sat down on the drivers seat and I gave him the keys and he closed the door and we road to Olive Garden


The Skater Girl in School (Garroth x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now