«chapter 13»

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Chapter 13

I swear my heart stopped as Niall's body dropped to the ground like a rag doll.

"Niall?" I shouted. He couldn't be dead! Not now, not now! "Niall!"

My fear was making me too irrational; I didn't even think to check for a pulse until a teacher came beside me and did it herself.

"He's alive," she announced, "but someone needs to call 999 or else he won't be much longer. Liam, put some pressure on the wounds if you would."

I didn't hesitate to follow Miss' orders. I practically ripped off my shirt (which I'm sure made some of the girls ogle) and began pressing it on Niall's chest.

"Nialler," I whisper, praying that maybe he would answer me. "Ni, can you hear me?"

"I can hear you, Li," he croaked from beneath me.

"Oh, Niall!" I forgot the task at hand and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before returning. I heard some gasps behind me. I knew immediately there would be talk of this later.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, practically gasping from pain.

"Niall, you were just shot twice, and you're asking if I'm okay?" I wondered if I had heard him right.

He opened his eyes for a second to look at me, then shut them again. "Yeah you're alright. Promise me something, Li?" Niall's voice was already beginning to get weaker.

"Yeah, Niall?" I croaked. If there is any god up there, don't let Niall die today. Please.

"Be okay? I love you, alright? I love you a lot. Yeah... A lot. I love you, Li," Niall had tears running out of his eyes, constantly muttering that he loved me. That he loved me a lot. I tried to hold in my own tears as I held onto his hand.

"I love you too," I muttered, suddenly realising it was true. I loved Niall Horan. And he was about to die.

Niall's blubbering and tears stopped, but his heart hadn't yet, which I was eternally grateful for. The ambulance came and picked him up shortly after he passed out from pain, they assumed.

The EMTs said that his heart was regularly stable (or as stable as a heart could be in this type of situation) and all they really needed to do when they got there is see where the bullets had landed and decide if surgery was needed.

I wasn't allowed to be anywhere near him once we got to the hospital. The entire way there I was allowed to hold his hand as the workers rushed and worked around me.

I sat in the waiting room as Louis, Harry, and Zayn all burst in at once.

"We heard what happened-"

"We came as soon as we could-"

"We wanted to see if both of you were okay-"

I giggled as they all began speaking at once, then quickly covered my mouth. Giggling was highly inappropriate at the moment.

"So how is he? And what happened, exactly?" Harry asked.

"What happened? I'm not really sure. I remember hearing one shot, but I think that one didn't hit anyone. Then there was a second and third shot, and Niall lay at my feet passed out from pain. He took a shot to his left arm and his chest. Only now am I realising those were probably meant for me. He saved my life."

Oh my God.

He saved my life.

"He saved my life. He fucking saved my life," I sobbed into Louis' arms. I was beginning to curl into myself.

"He saved my life."


Don't kill me





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