Chapter Six: The Flame Escalates

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Real quick, apologies for taking so long to update! But here it is finally! And awaaaAAAY we gooo!

(Y/n)'s POV

I sat there fascinated for a good ten minutes, listening to him explain this portal gun. It sounded amazing. Rick must be one hell of a genius. Our conversation ended when the door cracked open.

"Hey R-Rick? How's (y/n) d-doing?" Morty said softly, his head poking through the door. He stepped inside when he saw that I was sitting on the floor, talking to Rick.

"(Y/n)! Your awake!"

"Yeah, I'm awake all right..." I replied with a relaxed tone, something he hadn't yet heard from my usually nervous one. I stood up and walked over to Morty, and gave him a gentle noogie. He laughed softly.

"So, wh-what happened?" He asked nervously. I saw Rick look at Morty with a small glare, but I looked back at him and gave him a reassuring look, letting him know that I was okay to talk about it. He brought himself to his feet, took out his flask, and took a sip from it. Now having his usual 'I-don't-give-a-shit' look on his face as he leaned against the wall.

"Well Morty, I seem to have recalled all of my memories..." I told him.

"That's great!" His joyous expression was soon replaced with a sad frown, "I-I guess this means you're leaving now, huh?" I became shocked at his response. I knew I would leave eventually, but now I had just realized how I didn't actually have a home... I was just a simple wanderer, or as I would've put it before I met Rick and Morty: a lone wolf...

"Yeah, I guess so... Sorry kiddo," I said looking at the ground. I quickly whipped my head back up though when I heard Rick choke on his drink when I said this.

"You're not actually going to continue wandering, are you (y/n)?" Rick said with a bit of disbelief in his voice.

"Well, I can't stay here forever, Rick, you'll run out of booze eventually," I chuckled a bit at my own joke, but cleared my throat abruptly when I noticed the serious look he gave me. "Oh, c'mon, Rick, you know I can't stay! After what I've done... No, I don't want to be a bother to you or your family," It hurt to say it, but I knew every word was true.

"You were never a bother to m- us, a bother to us, is what I meant. Anyways, I'm sure will figure something out! I mean, if they have been able to tolerate me for this long, then they'll probably think of you as some kind of angel or savior!" He said reassuringly. I rolled my eyes at this.

"Heh, sorry Rick, but not everyone has the same thought process as you," I said teasingly as he took a second to realize what I had meant by that.

"What?! I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT AND YOU KNOW IT!" He screamed angrily and stormed out of the room. He left as his face was glowing with a bit of red from anger and embarrassment. Leaving Morty and I in the garage.

"Geez, what's with him?" I turned to ask Morty, pointing at the door over my shoulder.

"I think he's just a little edgy right now... Hey (y/n)?"

"What is it, Morty?"

"Can you please stay? I don't think you'll be a burden to us... Plus, I think it'll make Rick really happy, too..."

"What? What do you mean by that Morty? You know I can't sta-"

"I mean he's been acting different lately. I think he likes having you around because you like science and are so taken aback by it. He likes explaining to people what each of his inventions do, and you actually enjoy it, even when it's something with morbid intentions," Morty said to me with a stern tone.

"But how do you know I'm causing it, maybe he's just been in a happy mood?" I said, trying to doubt the words that Morty was telling me.

"Because he's been like this ever since the party when he first met you. Then, when he found out that your memory was gone, he became frustrated and locked himself away from everybody. And when you got that headache and screamed in pain, asking him to end your life, he refused, rushed you home after you passed out, and didn't leave your side until you woke up hours later! You don't notice this weird behavior, because you barely knew the old Rick!" He almost sounded frustrated as I began to say something to deny it, but stopped myself.

"Okay, okay, Morty... I'll think about it..." I said with a small voice. I looked back over at him, and smiled sincerely ruffling his hair a bit. He smiled back in return.

Rick's POV

I walked to my room, breathing fumes of anger as I slammed the door. I kicked over the small night stand next to my bed. It calmed me down a little bit as I just stood there with my fingers pressed against the bridge of my nose as my eyes closed shut. I began to struggle with internal conflict from my thoughts.

I don't like (y/n)! Not in that way! That damned Oxytocin! Blinding my view! If (y/n) would just stop making that damn Oxytocin stir, then I wouldn't have such a fucking problem letting her go!

It's what they do every time, Rick! Don't forget that! They make you think that they're different, then when they're bored, they make you leave! Just like your ex-wife, and just like Unity!

But (y/n)'s probably not meaning to do this, not intentionally. That's just how she is, she's just messing around.

Yeah, but what does that do?! It makes you question whether she's actually serious and you become uncertain! You know how you feel about uncertainty!

Ok look, whether she is or isn't, it doesn't matter anyways. Because you can not go through this again! And if not for yours, than for her sake. The least you could do is spare her of heart break!

I rubbed the sides of my head as I felt a headache coming on and feel asleep on my bed. I awoke the next morning to find (y/n) asleep on the couch, a pile of empty bottles next to her. She must've been drinking from depression.

I noticed she was holding something metallic to her chest as she slept quietly.

My flask?! How the hell does she do that?!~ I thought as I patted my pockets, double checking that it had been removed.

She definitely has some slight of hand~ I thought, slowly feeling a smirk form on my face. I dismissed the thought quickly and grabbed the flask from her hand, making sure not not awaken her. I looked into the inside of the opened flask to see that it had been emptied. She really must have been upset about something...

What up my glip glops?! Sorry that I took forever to post! I've been a bit busy with school and procrastinated a bit by reading other people's Fanfics... I know, worst excuse ever... XD Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! Always glad to have feedback! And I'll be uploading another chapter sometime either before or during this weekend! Thanks again for all the support! Stay Schwifty!    PEACE OOT!
PS~ Yes I purposely spelled peace out like that... In case you were wondering... I'll go now...
    ~Zephyr (Eclipse)

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