Chapter Ten: A Fire...? Fuck...

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A/N: I has returned my loyal little moons! I'm so so so so SO Sorry! I know it's been awhile, but I finally have free time in my life which I am forcing myself to use to write my fanfics! (Willingly, LOL) Anyways, before you start reading the chapter, I just wanna say, the big 1K is coming up! I REALLY wanna do a 1k reader special! But first things first, I NEED IDEAS!!! Anything helps! Please Go crazy with request. I'm not kidding when I say go crazy! You can ask me to draw something, share some things about myself, do a face reveal, shout something at the top of my lungs in school. (I will do it too, lol) Heck, I might even hold off a contest! If you guys want me to hold up a contest for me to write your idea as a part of this book, I will! I might even hold an OC contest so that I may add it to this book! ANY IDEAS HELP!!! I KID YOU NOT! DO NOT RELY ON OTHER READERS TO DO ANYTHING BECAUSE IT NEVER WORKS!


"I'm here to stay, Rick!"

He was wide-eyed and his mouth was agape. I gotta say, his reaction was priceless. He was totally silent for a few seconds before speaking up.

"What?!" He shouted with anger and surprise.

Yikes... Yeah, maybe I should have thought this through. Oh well! Might as well play along! *nervous laughter* Eheheh...


"I said I'm here to stay, Rick!" I smiled, but at this point, Rick didn't know what to think. I could see that he was struggling with how to react. He started tugging at his hair while grunting in frustration. Crrrap... Yep, another bad idea... Ok, I guess I should see if he's alright.

"Are you... Okay? Rick?" I asked, now afraid of his response.

"Yeah (y/n)! I'm fucking great! I just don't know whether to hug you, or to blow up in your face!" He screamed at me. At first it made me a scared, but after he stopped shouting, I quickly calmed down. To be honest, I kinda deserved this, I guess I unintentionally played with his emotions.

He panted heavily, done with his anger. He leaned over his desk to support himself. I took a few steps towards him and place a hand on his shoulder. He looked back at me with sorry eyes. Now that the anger was gone, he must've felt bad for shouting.

"Look, (y/n)... I'm sor-" I cut him off when I pulled him in to hug him on his side. He put his hands up in the air defensively. I didn't take Rick as the "huggy" type. Which would explain why he just kind of... froze in place. "Uh... (y-y/n)? What are you...?" He paused while looking at me confusedly.

"Well... You already blew up in my face, so that only leaves the other option," I smiled with hope, hoping that I didn't make him uncomfortable, I probably did though...

Ha ha

He took a second to process this before giving me a kind smile. He hugged me back for a bit before speaking up again.

"S-so... What made you... change your mind?" He grabbed my shoulders and held me in front of him while gazing into my eyes, searching for an answer.

"Well..." I began...


"You will always be apart of our family..." Beth's words echoed through my head before my thoughts screeched at me so I could hear it over the echoing.

What are you doing, (y/n)?! This is what you've wanted back for so long! Before your father joined the military... This is what your life used to be like... You finally have a chance to get it back! So what the fuck are you doing, (y/n)?! Don't throw this golden opportunity away!...

(Rick x Reader) Don't Play with Fire [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now