Chapter Nine (Part 1): Fear the Flame? Or the extinguisher?

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I'll get to the chapter in a second but I just want to say quickly that I would like for you guys to read the author's note which will be at the end of the chapter. It's probably gonna be a bit long, but it has some important information and I would appreciate it very much if you read it, thanks! Ok now back to the story...

(Y/n)'s POV

I sat on the couch and tried to clear my mind by watching some TV. It didn't work as well as I thought it would. I couldn't stop thinking about the situation that just happened. Why did I feel so empty all of a sudden? It didn't make any sense. I knew that Rick had enjoyed my company, but I think Morty was on to something when he said that he's been acting different lately, especially today.

I kept thinking back to the awkward moment that had just occurred no more than two minutes ago. What was he going to say? It could've been anything really! You can't just assume it was going to be something related to that.

It wasn't long before the voices in my head, which normal people call "thoughts", began to try and make sense of the situation...

A/N: Just to explain this next part a bit, (y/n) is basically arguing with herself about the situation. Though, it is described as if her logical state of mind and her emotional appeal are arguing with each other.

To make sure that you understand which is which, the LOGIC side will be enclosed in "~", like this:


The EMOTIONAL side, (or as some would say, your heart), will be enclosed in "*", like this:


~C'mon, (y/n), you know Rick doesn't believe in any of that crap. He said it himself, love is bullshit. So why do you keep assuming it was gonna be something related to that? Be smart about this, (y/n).~

*(Y/n), don't listen to that! You know very well that just because people say things like that, doesn't mean that they accept it as the truth. You never know, he might be in denial as a result of a previous experience he has had! He's only human... you can't blame him...*

~You're one to talk... you should know very well that even (y/n) believes this is true. Rick is right, love is just an illusion. Besides you can't let anyone stand in your way. It'll just ruin their life... It does every time... Don't you remember why your life has gotten this bad...? It's because you're mother stood in your way. You had all the reason to snap... It wasn't your fault that she was holding you down and preventing you from having your own life...~

*You can't just let something stand in the way of destiny, true... But what if that was your destiny, that in the end... you were always going to have to end her life... And what about this?! What if this is your destiny?! You'll never know! Your destiny could be fulfilled instantly!*

~Ugh... not this bullshit again... Destiny, really? You're gonna use that as an excuse now? This isn't some romance novel! This is the real world... Wake up... I know it hurts now, but you'll get over it! You know that even though you have you're doubts, there's really only one reason why you're denying this in the first place...~
~And you're right...~
~Go with logic on this, not your heart...~

My mind grew silent... I knew what they were referring to. And they're right, again... There was only one thing that kept me from staying. One thing that kept me from doing things like this... fear...

(Rick x Reader) Don't Play with Fire [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now