Chapter 11 - Rip out all the love

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Chapter 11

Rip out all the love

The end of Friday drew closer and by the time I was at the office, I was buzzing. Sparks and Tobo weren't in again and that made me worried as always. Dad was fretting as December got closer, some people in the office didn't understand but the ones who had heard the argument did. I was thinking of starting to occasionally Vlog and the time whizzed by. "Lance, you ready to go?" Dad asked me and I nodded before checking my watch "Off we go" I said and smiled as we left. Dad didn't. No one sees him smile any more, not even Simon.

"It's here dad" I said as we pulled up in front of a pretty nice house "Okay. See you later" he said as I got out than gave a little wave before driving off. All without a smile, I was worried about him. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Alan opened the door and I immediately noticed he had gotten a haircut. It was shorter and had a sleek left part, but is was still curly "Nice hair" I said as he let me in "Thanks" he said and we walked down to his den-type-thing where the TV was. "Cool place" I said, looking around. "It's pretty nice" he said and we sat down on the comfortable couch as he set up the show. It was gonna be a brilliant night.

After a few hours of episodes and many bottles of root beer later, Alan yawned slightly, stretched out and placed his arms on the back if the couch, with one behind me. Hold on...this looks familiar. A jangle of keys could be heard and the back door that led outside from the den squeaked open and an American voice said "Al, you in here?" I turned around to see a teen boy around 18, wearing a navy and white check, short sleeved, button up shirt that had all the buttons done up and the sleeves rolled up just a little bit, thin navy braces, dark jeans that where slightly turned up at the bottom and laced up black hightops, he also had dark blonde hair that was gelled into a stylish left part. Alan twisted in his seat and I saw the unknown boys silvery-grey eyes held a hurt look and he started running up the stairs, dropping his brown leather messenger bag as he went. "Blaine!" Alan said and chased after him. 'What the hell just happened!?' I thought and walked slowly up the stairs and crept into the living room and looked in. Both teens where sitting on the couch and Alan was looking straight into the others eyes and said "It's not what it looked like. He's just my friend" "It didn't look like it" the other said "Listen, Blaine and listen carefully: Lance. Has. A. Girlfriend." Alan said and the other looked slightly less upset "Nothing at all?" He said, I had no idea what this meant but hopefully it was good. "Nothing at all" Alan said back and the other smiled, than they hugged. That took me aback because it definatly wasn't a brotherly hug. "You go to the bathroom and wash up than you can join us downstairs. I know how much you like QI" Alan said and the other nodded before going up to the bathroom and shutting the door. Alan sighed loudly and slumped into the couch, looking quite happy.

"Who's that then?" I asked and sat across from Alan in the living room "Oh, uh" he said, obviously nervous "Well, in all honesty Lance, he's my boyfriend." "Your boyfriend?" I said, trying to let it sink in "Yes my boyfriend. I'm gay" Alan said "Wow, uh okay than. That's nice...he seems very, uh, committed" I said. "He's from America. He started school last year but came the summer before. We met in the park" Alan said "That nice. I...I'm happy for you mate" I said and smiled. Alan smiled back than said "Promise me you won't tell anyone" "Promise" I said in a whisper because the blonde boy was returning from upstairs. "I apologize for running out before introducing myself" he said with a small smile "I'm Blaine Klark. I've only been here for a year and a bit" "Lance" I introduce myself and the three of us went back downstairs and continued to watch the show, it was triple times the fun. I noticed that the whole time Alan and Blaine where holding hands, and it made me happy to see my best mate happy.

The next day I walked to Nifer's to pick her up for our weekend walk in the park, but the person who answered the door wasn't Nifer "Uh, hi, is Jennifer in?" I asked and the ginger woman looked me up and down than said "No. She's at the park" than shut the door in my face "Okay. Thanks" I said to solid wood before starting for the park. Why would she go without me? I found Nifer sitting on a bench by the pond, our favourite spot, "Hey" I said and she looked at me with bloodshot eyes "Oh it's you" she spat out "What do you want?" "What's this?! Did I mess up something" I said bewildered and sat next to her. "Don't act like you don't know. Owen told me what happened. He said Jesse was in tears" "Jesse? What are you talking about?" "C'mon Lance! Owen told me that you kissed Jesse!" "I'm sorry! I did what?!" I said, aghast at the accusation "Oh stop pretending to be innocent! Owen told me that Jesse told him that you kissed her. I didn't think you'd stoop so low" Nifer said and fresh tears welled up in her eyes "I can't believe you believe him! This is a lie!" I retorted "I don't think we should see each other anymore Lance" she said "What! Are you breaking up with me" I said, extremely surprised that she's believe that hogwash "Yes Lance. To put it bluntly, I'm breaking up with you because you cheated" and she stormed off before I could finished my explanation and how it was all a lie. "Shit!" I said angrily and slumped back into the bench. Worst weekend ever.

A lot happened in this chapter so I hope you like it :)

(For those who don't know, Braces are what the English call suspenders)

Feedback and suggestions are appreciated!


Dave!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ