Chapter 31 - Finale

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Chapter 31


I woke up and jumped out of bed. Today at 9:00 pm I'd be leaving for DC and get there around 1:00. I got dressed quickly and put new contacts in before calling Tony. "I'm done packing and I'm going to the office, wanna come and play Halo or something, Mickey's agreed too" I asked the scot "Sure!" He said "Be there in a bit" "Cool" I said and hung up. Dad was already at the office and Mum had gone somewhere with Kim so I made my own way to Yogtowers.

Tony arrived about half an hour after me. I had already set up and Mickey was talking over vent and playing too. We had a pretty good morning. Tony and I decided to go down to the shops and get lunch. We brought Mickey along with us over Skype and where surprised by his new haircut. He'd gone all 10th Doctor and had basically the same hairstyle as David Tennent's doctor. Strangely, it suited him. He wasn't so sure about it though. Tony and I ate lunch out and Mickey talked to us. "Excited for tonight?" Tony asked me and I nodded vigorously "You should be too. Ours is tonight as well. Alan's going with Blaine" I said "Yeah, extremely excited. Chrissy's excited too" he said and smiled. "What about you, Micks?" Tony questioned the Irishman "Mine next day" he said "I'm going stag" "Have fun" Tony and I said simultaneously and we all laughed. We went back to the office and found the other playing Werewolf in the common room. We said goodbye to Mickey cause he had to leave. They let me and Tony join in. It was really fun but soon Tony had to leave because it was getting late. He had to get dressed for the dance and I had to get ready to basically travel back in time. DC was eight hours behind Bristol time.

At 8:00 I shrugged on my jacket and lugged my case to the car. My suitcase contained the newly repaired clothes I had worn to the wedding and a set of clothes for he day after when I would be flying back. The airport was crowded and me and Dad raced to the gate where my plane was. The last call rang over the PA and Dad said the usual "Goodbye" "Be safe" and stuff like that. On the plane I shoved my stuff into the overhead compartment and sat down at my window seat. It was going to be a long flight.

I rolled my case behind me out of he DC airport at 1:00 their time. I hailed a taxi and told the driver the hotels address, then something unexpected happened. About half way there he stopped at a red light and looked in his rearveiw mirror at me "I'll be damned" he said "Your that guy." "Sorry?" I said, looking confused as he started driving again "That guy from YouTube. My daughters love your videos" he said "Oh, uh, thanks" I said and he smiled warmly at me before silence settled onto us once more.

I checked into the small hotel and went it the room I had gotten. I laid out my clothes for tonight before looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. I looked okay without my glasses but it felt strange not wearing them. I sighed and rolled my shoulders to stretch. "Might as well do something fun to kill time till 7" I muttered to myself and checked my phone. Tony and Alan had tweeted a few pictures of the dance. Tony had also taken a video of something. I tapped onto it and waited for it to start. I watched at Tobo walked up to a mic on a stage "Uh, hi" he said and the room quieted slightly "I'm Tobo, and I'm gonna play a song on the piano for you awesome people to dance to. So grab your significant other of just a friend and prepare yourselves." He turned around and sat down at the piano "Before I start I want to say that this song is for the greatest girl in my eyes, Elli, this is for you" he said and smiled at said girl. The video shook slightly as Tony passed his phone to someone, Askill I think, and went to dance with Chrissy. Tobo started the song and I recognized it as 'Shi no Barado' but I was confused. It was a duet and no one else was there I sing with him. Once he started singing I realized that he had rewritten it into a solo. I leaned back on the backboard of the bed and listened to the song.

I spent the rest of the day walking around town and before I knew it, it was 6:30. I raced back to the hotel and changed into my dress clothes. I pulled my coat on and shoved my tie into my pocket, I'd put it on later. I went outside and hailed another taxi. I told the driver the schools address and this time no weird recognition happened on the drive there. "Cheers" I said and paid him before he drove off. I turned to face the school and headed in. I had no idea what musical it was or what the hell I was about but I felt like I should be there to support her, even if she didn't know I was there. I saw that there were still a few extra tickets being sold and I quickly fumbled throng my wallet to pry out some fresh bills. "Just one" I said and handed over the money in exchange for the paper ticket. I started to walk away but the ticket seller called from behind me "Are you Lance?" I turned around and faced her. She was nice looking. Long, flowy chocolate brown hair and matching eyes that sparkled with kindness. "Depends on who's asking" I said and smiled slightly "I'm Sammy" she said and smiled too "EJ's my best friend" "Then, yes, I'm Lance" I said "and please don't tell her I'm here" "Right. Do you want to sit with me during the show?" She said "Sure" I said and we went into the auditorium just as the doors started to close.

The show was enjoyable enough and I got to see a lot of EJ because she was the main girl lead. I talked to Sammy for a little while before she went to join her friends. I looked around and found the door into the backstage area, I grinned as a plan formed in my mind and I hid behind the door. I waited for ten minutes like that before I saw EJ leaving with a blonde girl. I snuck out from behind the door. "See you at the dance. You can hang with me. The girls without dates" the blonde said and I said something before EJ could reply "Who says she doesn't have a date." EJ and the girl both turned around. The blonde looked confused and EJ gave a delighted squeal. "Oh my God! Lance" she said and flung her arms around my neck and gave me a hug. "Nice to see you too" I said and pecked her on the lips. EJ introduced me to her friend before the blonde left to change into her dance dress. "Did you come all the way just to surprise me at the dance" EJ said "Of course I did" I said and smiled as we walked to the gym. "I'll be right back" she said "I have to change" "Make sure you do come back" I joked and she smiled before dashing off to the girls change rooms with a garment bag. When she returned I was blown away. She was wearing a beautiful flowy, navy blue dress, she had put in contacts and was smiling like an idiot, a beautiful idiot. "You look amazing" I said to her as we entered the gym and I put on my tie and hung up my coat "You look good too" he said and intertwined her fingers with mine. The night was absolutely amazing. Both me and EJ took lots of photos and danced a lot, even with my terrible dancing skills. I knew exactly what to do when the slow song came on. EJ rested her head on my chest as we slowly went in circles, just like when we had danced in the courtyard. EJ looked up and me and said with a smile "You're amazing Lance" I smiled and kissed her. It lasted for a long while and when we came apart I smiled at her "You're amazing too" I said quietly so that only she could here. She put her head back on my chest and we kept dancing.

I hope you like the end. It was kind of quick and abrupt but I hope it's okay.

Thank you for all the support and lovely comments for this books and GUYS as well. You are all brilliant people :)

I'm going to be focusing more on Old Haunts my One-shot book and maybe a bit on The Other Worlds, now that this one is done.

Thanks again for all the support!

- Jo

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