Chapter 22 - Double the pain

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Chapter 22

Double the pain

Free at last! Sunday I got out of the hospital around noon and we immediately went to the office. Everyone welcomed me like I was the mayor and we had the best time in the world. I had a cast on my right arm and I had to use crutches for a while because I had done something to my leg but I didn't mind. I couldn't record anything for a bit so I was a bit bummed about that. I would be going back to school Monday and was determined to avoid Nifer and spend as much time with Alan, Tony, Crissy, Ryan and Ellie as I could. But definitely no talking to Nifer.

When I entered the school next day people looked at me weirdly. If anyone of them where fans they had no idea why I was all banged up. I made my way towards my locker before the bell rang and grabbed my books. I tried to get to class quickly but ended up dropping my books. Ryan offered to carry them when he, Crissy and Ellie turned up next to me. I gladly excepted and we talked all the way to class.

The day went by like any normal day. The bad part was after school. I was walking across the football field after saying bye to everyone, when two perfectly aimed footballs whizzed by me and knocked my crutches out from my arms. I slammed face down on the ground and instantly felt hot, sticky blood sprout from both nostrils. I groaned and rolled onto my back. I could hear whooping and high-fives drawing nearer and squinted up to see a strawberry blonde figure bending over me, Owen. He and his gang surrounded me (I saw the thick set body of Vincent among the six) and sneered in my face. "Pull him up" Owen said and two others pulled me up under the armpits and held me up so that my toes just brushed the dry grass. Owen smirked at me and I looked at him through muddy lenses "Do you think your all tough because you got hit?" He scorned. I hadn't told anyone what had happened, how did he know? "You aren't" "If you're here to beat me up, get on with it. I don't need the speech" I said matter-o-factly and for a split second Owen and the others looked surprised but they quickly grinned and started slugging me. It hurt like hell. Punches sunk into my stomach and slammed into my face. A well aimed kick got me where it hurts and a few more punches were thrown before they dropped me painfully back onto the grass and nudged me with their feet. They scoffed about how weak and wimpy I was before snatching up my crutches and running off. Laughing. I didn't even try to get up. I'll do it later when I doesn't hurt as much.

"Lance? Lance are you okay?" I kept my eyes squeezed shut for a few seconds longer before someone shook my shoulders gently. I saw strawberry blonde and quickly said "Don't hurt me" and tried to cover my face with my hands but it hurt to move them. "Why would I hurt you?" The person said and I recognized the voice as Duncan's "Sorry. I thought you were someone else" I muttered at he helped me sit up. "Are you okay?" He repeated and I looked at him through my glasses that where covered in mud and the initial spray of blood from my nose "Yeah. Fresh as a daisy" I said sarcastically and he helped me stand up. I leaned heavily on his shoulder as we made our way to his car. He helped me into the passenger side seat and handed me a few tissues "I'm taking you to Yogtowers" he said as I clumsily wiped off my glasses with the tissues and replaced them on my face "Whatever you think best" I said and gave him a crooked smile. "Are you sure you're okay?" Duncan repeated in a worried tone "Yeah. I'll be fine" I said exasperatedly.

"I'll pound those jokers into the ground" Simon grumbled when we got to the office "Simon, it's really fine." I said as mum fussed over my nose and newly formed black eye "Fine! Fine!" Simon said "You look like you got hit by a car! Again! When Lewis gets here he's gonna flip" and he grumbled off to his office. I laughed slightly and Duncan flashed a small smile "Together they probably do weigh the same as a car" I joked before all our heads turned towards the slamming of a car door and racing footsteps down the hall. Dad burst into the common room and his eyes immediately fell on me. "Lance! You look like hell" he said and mum gave him 'the look'. I smiled slightly and said in a joking voice "I've had worse." Personally I didn't care. The thing that really bothered me was how Owen knew I had been run over.

After dinner I was sitting on my bed. I could hear my parents arguing. "He's 17, Hannah, he should stand up for himself. Not lie down and let people walk over him" dad said "Lewis" mum said sternly "We can't just sit around and do nothing. We have to tell the head teacher or something" "I said it before and I'll say it again. He. Has. To. Do. It. Himself." Dad said and then conversation was cut short because I put my headphones on and turned up Area 11. The tones of Sparks voice drowned out the sounds of the argument. I wanted to agree with dad, I didn't want to be babied, but I also wanted to agree with mum. I was torn. And this had been one of the worst days ever.

Hope you guys like it!

Feedback and suggestions are very welcome :)

- Jo

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