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"Really? Because I bet there are some people who'd be real happy to help out the son of a bitch who finds him. And I sure could use a favor," he murmured, clenching tighter to the neck of Jongdae's shirt.

And the smaller boy knew. He knew he was done for. History. He'd been trapped; Chanyeol could beat the absolute shit out of him and then some if he so desired.

But despite that, he stuck firmly to his lie, holding onto the tiny chance that maybe he could make it out of this situation. "I know what my name is," he insisted boldly, wrapping his fingers around Chanyeol's wrist defiantly even though he knew it would probably earn him a good beating.

Chanyeol chuckled at that. "Fair enough. We'll just have to see if there's anyone else who knows your name, hm?" he replied, reaching for something in his back pocket. "Don't worry. I'll say goodbye to your little boyfriend for you."

"How rude."

Both of them froze.

The new but familiar voice bounced off of the walls, startling them both into complete, eery stillness, and a tense silence filled the room.

"I treat you with hospitality, and you make threats when you think I'm asleep," the voice scolded lowly, breaking through the motionless atmosphere, and into the light stepped Minseok.

And it was not difficult to tell just how unamused he was with what he was witnessing.

Chanyeol was surprised for a moment, but there was no guilt in it, and a small smirk met his lips soon afterward as he stared down at Minseok without letting go of Jongdae's shirt. "I'm not exactly a saint," he agreed. "But I don't mind."

Minseok's expression did not change in the slightest, and Jongdae had no idea how the moon glowing into his blue eyes wasn't making Chanyeol even the slightest bit frightened. "Well. I hate to break it to you, but I do," he deadpanned. "So if you could get your hands off of him, I'd appreciate it greatly."

Chanyeol snickered at that. "Right. Roger that, squirt. But what are you gonna do if I don't?" he asked smugly. "You're not exactly at an advantage here."

"Are you threatening me now?" Minseok questioned, stepping forward bravely and subtly pushing his sleeves up on his arms a few inches. "Because I don't recommend doing that."

"Oh, yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?" Chanyeol sneered in amusement. "You're smaller than my twelve year old cousin."

"Are you implying that you'd like to find out?"

"I am, actually," Chanyeol challenged, sporting a grin that spread sickeningly across his face.

Minseok took another step forward despite that, unfazed and unhesitant. "Fine then," he replied after a moment. "But I'll tell you something first."

Another small step forward, but Chanyeol was not beginning to back down even in the slightest.

"Keep your hands to yourself, and you'll be safe."

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