Singles Appreciation Day

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Well, it's Singles Appreciation Day! (a.k.a. S.A.D.) It wasn't that bad this time, I mean nothing really happened. I didn't get any Valentines... But it was ok. I hate that during this time of year, all the couples become their mushiest, with the hugging and kissing and whatnot. But it wasn't bad.

The only thing I regret about this day though, is that I really wanted to give a certain Valentine to this guy I like. All the girls are always comenting on how handsome he is though, and he's one of my best friends, so I guess I'll never really get the chance. Another Valentines Day with no accomplishment or love whatsoever. Yay.

Well, I don't know what else to tell you guys except that, if you're a girl and you didn't recieve any love on Valentines Day, or not as much as would like, then don't worry about it. You have your friends and family that still love you. And to those guys out there, I know there is at least one girl in you class, if not in the whole school, that really wants to know that someone cares about her. So spread the love!

Alright, well, I should go.

Until next time,

Elly <3

P.S. What is your least favorite holiday? or What did you do for S.A.D?

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