Malade (Japan Day 2)

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I woke up this morning at 5:30 (which is weird because usually I don't wake up until noon) and got out of bed. I look over and I see Tanya (the bed intruder) cuddled up next to Angelica. Always nice to see that in the morning.

I walked outside and found Tanya's mom making coffee. I found out today that coffee only tastes better cold. Anyway, I walk out and I suddenly feel over-come by the feeling of throwing up whatever was left in my stomache (which wasn't much). I asked her to feel my forehead and I guess I was pretty warm since she moved her hand away pretty quick. I took some ibuprofen and was a bit better after that. Then, they told us we had to go to church.

So, I walk outside and it's still FREEZING. We walked down to the bus stop and decided, "No, it's too cold out here. We need more clothes on." So we ran in the cold air (which hurts by the way) back up to our room to grab some clothes, and what do you know? We missed the bus. So now we had to wait another hour for it to come back around. Yay.

We went to the Commisary later to buy some ingrediants for the amazing pasta we had. It was Anthea's birthday, so we bought cake too. All in all, it was pretty fun. Then, of course we went to mass. I wasn't feeling good and I nearly fell asleep (until I took a swig of wine, of course).

I called my mom also, which is good because even though I've only been without them for two days, I still miss them a lot.

The rest is sort of a blur and I'm pretty sure I skipped some parts in between, but that's pretty much all that happened. I really hope I get better soon and I hope it will snow too. Our first game is also tommorrow, so wish us luck!

Until next time,

Elly <3

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