Chapter 2

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Leigh's POV

My baby is a girl. A precious baby girl. You see, maybe if Riker knew about me then he could also be here with me.

I smirked at the screen and my baby girl. Nothing can take away the happiness filling inside me along with my baby right now.

"Oh my god!" Riley squealed like a 2 year old and jumped around

"Calm down Riley!" I laughed

She came closer to me and another smile broke out on to her face.

"I'm gonna be an auntie of the most beautifully baby ever!" She jumped up and down

This moment right now is what I want every day to feel like for now on.

I want to be proud of my baby. but I also wish the father was here!

My emotions are a mess because of this. I don't even want to be romantically involved with him. I just want him to help out a bit and see her.

I can't hold in my feelings anymore. I need to find Riker. Maybe it's time for a plan. One that's safe for me and my baby though. But it needs to work.

For now I cam stay calm and think of baby names. When I was little I always used to think of baby names.

I never wanted a usual name. I always wanted something unique that nobody would use. One that's amazing.

The ride home from the appointment was stressful with more of Riley's talking but I kept my emotions in.

"So what do you wanna eat?" Her voice echoed from the kitchen to the living room as I sat on the couch

"Anything I don't care! Wait no sushi!"

My sister laughs at my response and starts making noise in the kitchen.

Right on cue my stomach growls. I bring my hand down to my tummy and rub softly.

I turned on the television and much to my disappointment nothing was on.

I saw the show where Rikers brother ross played in. This will have to do.

Even though it was Ross on my screen, I kept thinking about Riker.

Damn them Lynch boys!

"Hey I kinda burnt my noodles" Riley sheepishly stands by the couch

Laughter escapes my lips as I take in the emotions displayed on her face.

"Let's just order pizza?" I suggested

Riley nodded and went back into the kitchen to what I inferred as clean up.

That's why I love my sister. No matter what she is there for me and she is never boring and always happy.

Now here we are siting on our asses stuffing pizza down out throats while watching this Austin and Ally show.

"It's no fair! Why can I meet them!?" Riley pouted from beside me

Ugh. Riley only if you knew I was currently holding the baby of your favorite band member inside of me.

"I don't know Rye!" I sighed while bringing my hand through my hair

Riley liked like she was deep in thought as I looked at her. Oh god no.

"Let's go to a concert!" My ear drum almost got blown up

I almost asked her about the whole money issue but wait, she is pretty much fucking rich so no worries.

"Um when?" I stupidly asked

"As soon as they come here to New York!"

I nodded along. While she looked up the tour dates. Her pretty blue eyes which matched mine skimmed over her iPhone screen carefully.

Riley and my eye color was something I actually liked about myself. Everything else though, is different between us.

She is a little bit shorter than me and has a blondish, orangish shade of hair. Meanwhile I'm 'sporting' a light brown color. My hair also is much more thick and longer.

I have always been jealous of Riley and her drop dead looks. She has everything a girl could need while here I am young and pregnant.

"Ooh! They are coming here in august!"

August. That's three months from the current May. By then I'll be 7 months pregnant and much larger.

What if we do meet Riker? Will he recognize me and hate me?

What if he becomes a coward and leaves me and our baby behind?

I push the negative thoughts out of my head and stretch my stupid large feet onto the other end of the couch.

I've always hated my feet. They are one of my biggest insecurities.

Yeah it's stupid but it's just the way I am. Full of insecurities.

A baby name book was almost chucked at my head but was stopped by my choice of a shield, a couch pillow.

"Riley you could kill us!" I pointed to my stomach with a scowl

"Whoops sorry" She blushed and looked down

"I want you to look at some names" A manicured finger pointed towards the baby book currently on the floor

"You could of asked" I laughed and smiled at my ditzy sister

Riley returned the smile and sat down onto the soft fluffy cushion of the recliner next to the love seat.

I slouched over the couch while groaning at the sudden laziness that hit me. My fingers struggled to reach the hard and silky cover of the book.

Riley leaned over and snatched it off the floor and handed it to me.

The first page peeled open and my eyes took in the importance of each name in the A section. I skipped that section because I don't want my baby's name to start with A, too easy.

Before I knew it the book closed in y hand abruptly after I saw the action titled Z. I moaned in exhaustion and lard my head into the hard cushion of the love seat. My neck aches and so does my hand from the way I was holding myself up with it.

"Gotta run Leigh, I've got get down to the office before Ms. Walton flips shit!"

I watched Riley scurry around grabbing her purse and fleeing out the door.

My hand patted the curve of my still forming stomach and then rested by my side. I know I love my baby girl but then I wish I wasn't so helpless and lazy due to my pregnancy.

After deep think I slowly felt myself drifting off into a deep sleep.

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