Chapter 3

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Leigh's POV

The beautiful sound came flying out of the guitar as I strummed along to royals by Lorde. I am a good guitar player but never do I dare sing like ever.

My singing as always been a huge turnoff for practically everybody.

My voice squeaks on the low cords and everything comes out fast and wrong.

The tips of my fingers ached for more but I soon got bored with the activity.

Riley is at work like all the others since it's Monday. I should be in collage by now but nope. My now slightly bigger baby wouldn't allow that one bit.

I would go to the mall to browse but I'm tired of all the mean looks I get from both younger and older shoppers.

It must not be hard for people to tell that I'm young because of my baby features I still need to out grow.

Ever since the last time I went shopping I hated even going out side to get Riley's mail for her.

I feel like there is always angry evil eyes peering at the creation of two drunk and stupid teens connected to me.

Riley has been making it even more
difficult with her loud mouth constantly babbling on about r5.

This whole pregnancy thing is still new to me. The constant feeling of wanting to ring someone's neck comes more often than it used to. Then out of the blue water comes out of my eyes like I just watched the titanic.

I'm a fucking emotion mess who needs to pull herself together. The saddest part is I'm not even stable enough to do that. Mess-up is practically my new name and there is nothing I can do.

Like last night I had a dream where I finally met Riker but he ended up plunging a butcher knife into my stomach as I screamed blood curdling screams. Riley came running in with her face painted green because of a new face mask. The sight made me giggle.

I still don't know how me and Riley are related. She is so stunning and I'm such a screw up and disappointment.

My hands found their way to the copy of divergent that was in my lap.

"No you've already read it 5 times!"

My mind scolded me as I yanked my hand back like the book was poison.

There isn't much a pregnant woman can do nowadays. It's not like I have any friends who still have self respect for me anyways.

As soon as my 'best friend' Vanessa found out about my pregnancy pretty much the whole school did.

It was a pain in the arse with the constant dirty looks I received but I finished off the rest of my school term which ended in the beginning of May.

That's it. I've had enough of me being a stupid coward. I need to forget what people think of me and get off my ass and do something useful and fun.

Without questioning myself any more I got up and began to put clothes on that actually fit over my stomach.

My hair was put into a ponytail and slung over my shoulder. No makeup.

One of the best parts about moving to NYC with Riley is that I don't even need a car cause of cabs.

I grabbed the money Riley gave to me for times like this and went out onto the busy streets of new york.

Blurs of yellow zoomed bye as I got to the curb. Luckily I managed to get one to park on the side. The small Asian man gave me a awkward hello and then sped off to my destination.

I tried not to have a panic attack as he weaves through the other taxi's and fast moving cars. He seemed to think the car horn was alluring because every five seconds he slammed his fist onto it in frustration while cursing.

All I know is that when the time comes that I'm gonna give birth, I'm gonna ride in here and my baby will defiantly be on it's way into the world.

"We are here and that will be 23.55 dollars" The man spoke in a strong accent

I gladly got out after giving him the money. I swear if I would of been stuck in there for at least one more minute I would of puked on the shiny back seat.

My legs lead me in threw the door quickly and I was soon inside Sears.

The yummy perfume smells drifted up into my nose making me smile.

Where the heck are the maternity clothes at!?

I thought they would be easier to find than this.

"Hello do you need help?" A low deep male asked behind me startling me

I turned around embarrassed and took in his appearance. He looked around my age and he stood tall. He had real curly hair that for some reason was tempting to touch. But one thing that caught me off guard were his eyes. They weren't no ordinary green they were even brighter and more alluring than Riley and mine.

I blushed and looked at the ground.

"Do by chance have any maternity clothes here?"

The guy glanced at my stomach and then my face.

"Um yeah right this way" He gestured for me to follow him

I felt so tiny compared I him as I walked behind his tall figure.

"Right here" The worker flashed a pearly white smile at me and pointed to the small section

"By the way my names Oliver" It was strange to think his name was oliver. He didn't really look like an Oliver to me. I don't know what he did look like he was named but he was attractive

"Um thanks and I'm Leigh" My voice came out sounding weak and pathetic

"That's cool" Oliver leaned up against a rack only to have its wheels move which sent him to the ground

A tiny blush appeared in his face as he stood back up fixing his shirt.

My mouth opened before I could stop it and laughter swam out.

"S-sorry I ju- I tried to apologize but laughter took over as the image of him falling replayed in my mind

"You have a cute laugh" Oliver smirked making me blush

Oh haha clever. I make him blush so he has to make me blush. Unique all right.

"Erm thanks....." I sheepishly trailed off

"So do you live around here?" Curiosity filling Oliver's tone

"Yes actually I do after my parents didn't want me to stay at home anymore"

I know he is still a stranger but I couldn't help but feel like I was being pulled to him in a friendly way.

"Oh that's stupid they kicked you out just for a baby" At least someone agrees

I nodded my head and avoided his eye contact.

"Sorry Leigh but I gotta go back to work. I'll see you around some time?"

"Um yeah maybe" I shrugged as Oliver backed away grinning

The racks of clothes filled my vision as I what I came here for.

I grabbed only what I knew I needed since I didn't want to waste Riley's money on just me and my pregnancy.

Before checking out I peeked my head around scanning to see if Oliver was around. I'm such a creep I jut met the guy and I already want to be his friend.

How do I even know if he wants to be my friend? Who would want to be friend with a unstable screwed up 19 year old girl who is already pregnant.

I always have a bad habit of thinking to much of things. Like once in 10th grade one of my class mates started talking to me and then I like him for like the next year after that. Falling in love is easy.

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