Chapter 8

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Check out my new Instagram page for this story @rockingriker to see what Leigh wears to the meet and greet. - that_blonde_boy

Leigh's POV

I can't believe that it's already the morning of the meet and greet.

As I quietly leave Oliver's house I feel nausea take over me.

What am I gonna do when I see Riker?! I mean sure, I could stay calm but I know that won't happen well.

Oliver allows me to use his car so that's how I'm getting over to Riley's.

The creepy feeling of someone watching me has increased. I told Oliver about it but that was a mistake. He got all protective an started screaming about calling the cops.

I've pretty much mastered driving in NYC down so it doesn't surprise me when i arrive at Riley's in less than 20 minutes when It used to take 30.

I'm afraid to see what Riley's wearing tonight. Well that's if she decides to wear anything.......

I wouldn't be surprised if she attempted to go naked. I mean it is my sister we are talking about here.

As if on cue as soon as I opened the door Riley came flying at me.

"OH MY GOD I CANT WAIT!" She fangirled

"Yeah me neither!" I nervously laugh

"Well aren't we gonna get ready?!"

My eyes budged out of my head.

"It's only 11:00 am are you crazy!?" I shook her back and forth

"Yes but the meet and greets start at 4 because they start before the concert and it will take us like two hours to get ready then the drive is like an hour, so therefore by the time we get there it will be 2 hours till meet and greets but eh it will worth the wait!"

As she babbled on I tried to stay with her. There is no way I'm gonna wait for 2 hours in a line of screaming girls.

Maybe it's time to be the devilish little sister I used to be.

"Ugh! I'm having cramps!" I faked whined

"Why?! What's wrong?"

"I don't know but it really hurts!" I continued the act

"We don't have much time but lay down for a little" My concerned sister told me

I'm such a mean person but now I don't have to wait 2 hours while standing.

She walked me up to my room and watched me lay down. I faked more groans and moans in till she left.

I mentally cheered brought my phone out. I went on Instagram and saw Oliver had out a new post on. It showed my empty bed and the caption was "How nice to wake up and find my best friend left me" I laughed at it and then actually laid down.

I didn't realize I actually fell asleep in till my eyes opened to see Riley in front of me ushering me to get up.

"Why are you freaking out?!" I frantically shouted

"Because we only have 1 hour to get there and get ready! I accidentally fell asleep and we need to hurry up!"

I actually jumped up well as fast as a pregnant woman can and followed Riley quickly into her closet.

"Okay let's get started!"

I looked in the mirror at the end results.

For only having 30 minutes to get ready we looked good. I wore a maternity shirt that was floral and had the saying Hakuna Matata on It and for what it seems like the first time shorts.

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