Welcome To Neverland

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Third Person's POV
Emma, David, Mary Margaret, Mr. Gold and Regina hold tight to the ropes on the Jolly Roger with Hook at the helm as the ship crosses through the portal. They finally land on the waters and looked around in confusion. "Is that it?!" Emma asked. "Aye," Hook conformed.


Rose's POV
I landed on a shore after falling through the portal. I glanced up and got up to run but Greg stopped me by grabbing me by the jacket, "No, uh-uh uh-uh uh. Slow down, pal. You got nowhere to go." Then he let me go as Tamara stand beside him and sighed with a smile, "We made it. Mission accomplished."

"Are you sure about that? 'Cuz my mom is coming to get me," I said. "Both of them." Greg walked up to me, "You might wanna take a look around, kid." He stood beside me and pointed around, "Do you see any clock towers? You're a long way from Storybrooke." He walked back to Tamara.

"It doesn't matter! My family's been to the Enchanted Forest before, and they can get here again," I snapped. Suddenly, we heard a weird howling noise from the distant and looked around. "Well, we're not in the Enchanted Forest," Tamara explained. "This is Neverland."

"Neverland?" I asked in disbelief. "You're here to destroy Neverland?"

"It's the mother lode of magic," Tamara replied and looked at Greg, "Where's the communicator? We need to signal the Home Office." He pulled a communicator out of the backpack, "Here you go, T."

"An office in the jungle? Huh. Who works there?" I asked, smirking. Greg got up and walked towards me, "Who we work for is not your concern, kid. Just know that they take care of us."

"Oh do they? Can they tell you how to get back home after you destroy magic?" I asked. "We don't ask questions. We just believe in our cause," He said, looking straight into my eyes. "Greg?" Tamara started, making him look back at her, "Yeah?"

She took a few steps towards us, holding out the communicator to him, "I'm not getting a status light on this thing." He took it and examined it, "Did you check the batteries?" He asked before he opened the battery compartment, reveling sand slipping out.

"What the hell is this? A toy?" Tamara asked. "Gee, it's a good thing you guys don't ask any questions," I mocked, glaring at Greg as I raised an eyebrow. "Let's go," He told Tamara before looking at me, "Walk!"

Third Person's POV
On the Jolly Roger, Hook, manning the helm, slowing the ship as Regina noticed. She walked towards him, "Why are you slowing down? In case you didn't know, my daughter's life is in danger!"

"Oh, I know, my hot-headed Queen," Hook said. "The plan is to bring us to the far side of the island, link up with the widest part of the river, and.. then we sail right through, take him by surprise. The irony..."

"What irony?" She asked. "Oh, I spent more time than I care to remember trying to leave this place to kill Rumplestiltskin. And here I am, sailing right back into its heart with him as my guest of honor. It's not quite the happy ending I was hoping for," He explained.

"Greg Mendell said something funny to me," She said. "He said I'm a villain, and that villains don't get happy endings. You believe that?" Hook slightly shrugged, "I hope not." He looked at her, "Or we've wasted our lives."

Emma stood along the ships railing, gazing out at the sea as Mary Margaret and David approached her. "Hey," Mary Margaret spoke softly but Emma didn't talked our looked at them. Mary Margaret glanced at David before back at Emma, "What happened to Neal, and Rose, it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself."

"I don't," Emma spoke before looking at her parents, "I blame you. All this happened because I listened to you. You say good always wins? It doesn't. I didn't grow up in some fairytale land. My experience is different, that's all I can go on."

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