Peter Pan

801 37 13

Rose's POV
"I think we lost them," The boy said as we stopped running. I sighed, breathing heavily. "Okay, great. Can we rest now?" I asked and he nodded. "Thank you," I mumbled as I sat down on a rock. "You're new," He stated. "Did the shadow take you, too?"

"No, I was kidnapped by some people that work for Pan," I said. "I'm sorry," He said. "If he sent for you, he wants you. And if Pan wants you, he will get you." I frowned, "Why does Pan want you?"

He pulled out a vile, "Pixie Dust," He replied. "I stole it from him because I thought I could use it to fly away and go home." Then he sighed quietly, "But it doesn't work. It's useless."

"Don't worry. My family is coming to rescue me, and you could come with us," I said. "You really think you're the first child to believe their family's actually coming for them?" He asked.

"My family's different," I explained with a small smile, thinking about Regina, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa. "We always find each other."

"You better hope they don't, or else Pan will rip their shadow's into oblivion," He said as I got up. I shook my head, "It's gonna be okay. I promise," I said, staring at him. "Don't loose hope. All we need is time. Is there place we can hide from the Lost Boys."

He looked around, thinking for a moment before he looked back at me, "There's a place they can't track us. The Echo Caves. But it's far," He replied. Suddenly, we could hear noises and looked around before back at each other. "Then, what are we waiting for?" I asked. "Lead the way." With that we started running again.

The lost boys were hot on our trail and I could even see them, "They're close. I can see them," I said. "We're almost to the caves. Come on. Follow me," The boy said. Suddenly, an arrow was fired at the tree right next to us and we took a step back.

"They cut us off. They know about the caves," I said before turning to my side and pointing to the other way, "So we have to go this way." The boy grabbed my hand, pulling me with him to the direction.

We were running through the woods and suddenly stopped on the edge of a cliff. "Watch out!" I said, stepping the boy. "They're over here!" I heard one of the last boys calling.

"What do we do? Is there any other way to the Echo Caves?" I asked the boy. He shook his head, "No. We're done for. I'll give them the pixie dust. Maybe they'll let us live."

"You want to give up?" I asked. "We don't have a choice. They got us. This is the end," He said. "No, it's our way out," I said. "Give me this." He gave me the pixie dust with a frown, "What are you doing?"

"Getting a running start," I replied as I dragged him with me a few steps back. "For what?" He asked. "Everyone knows pixie dust is for flying," I said. "Don't you remember? The dust doesn't work," He said.

"That's because you have to believe," I said. "I definitely do not believe," He said. "That's okay," I said before I opened the pixie dust bottle. "Because I do." I grabbed the boy's hand, with a running start, used it to fly myself and the boy off the cliff.

We flew across the forest and then the boy pointed to a clearing spot so we landed. The boy got up and hold his hand to me so I grabbed it and he pulled me to my feet. "Thanks," I said with a smile. "See? If you believe, anything is possible."

"You couldn't be more right, Rose," He agreed and I frowned, taking a step back, "Wait, how ... How'd you know my name? I never told you."

"Let's make it a game. A puzzle to solve," He said, giving a small smirk. "You lied to me. You are a Lost Boy. You work for Pan," I said. "Not exactly, love," He said and took a step towards me. "I am Peter Pan."

"But you told Greg and Tamara that magic was bad, that you'd help them destroy it. Why?" I asked. "Because I needed their help. And it's so much easier to get people to hate something then to believe," He replied.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked. Pan looked around, "For quite some time, I've sought something extremely important. Something more elusive than the greatest of all mysteries."

"What?" I asked. He looked at me, "The heart of the truest believer. And when you took that pixie dust, sweet Rose, and jumped off that cliff."

He knocked on a tree and looked back at me, "You proved yourself. You are the lucky owner of that very special heart. And now, love? You, and it, are mine." He pulled out a knife and hold it up on the air, "Come on, boys!" Suddenly, the Lost Boys came out, surrounding me.

"Let's play!"  

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