day eight ~ yoonmin

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On the eight day of Christmas, my true gave to me, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree...

POV: Yoongi
"What do you mean, you have to go Christmas shopping?" I sighed, shaking my head at Jimin, my boyfriend, who was squeezing my hand eagerly. "You know I hate shopping, and you can't convince me to join you this year. Last time was a major disaster!" I huffed.

"Come on, nothing bad happened last year," he rolled his eyes with a smirk. " you're just over-exaggerating. Stop being such a fussy drama queen and tag along with me, won't you?" he blinked rapidly, using his puppy eyes tactic to guilt trip me into going.

"No, babe, your tricks aren't gonna work on me this time round!" I shook my head. "No, way. Ask someone else to go with you, like Becky."

"Who the hell is Becky?!" he squinted. " I dunno a girl called Becky."

"Okay, whatever," I shrugged my shoulders. "The point is, I'm not going, and there's that. I don't care what you sa-"

"Please?" he begged, tugging on my green jumper sleeve. "For me? Gosh, don't act like this, Yoongi. You're my boyfriend, the least you could do is-"

"No means no!"

"Please? Please, Yoongi? Just for me? I promise that it won't be like last year. I pinky promise you."

"I really don't believe you."

After minutes of being persuaded, I gave in and tagged along with him as he went on his crazy shopping spree.

"Who even are you getting presents for?" I asked, taking a glance at his long shopping list. "Seems like it's gonna take forever, baby. I don't have all day, I've got stuff to do."

"Like what, sleeping?" he scoffed, grabbing me by the arm as he dragged me around the shopping centre. "Oh, please, at least you're making the most of your time now. That's good, I suppose."

Suddenly, Jimin pulled me by my arm and we somehow magically ended up inside a lingerie shop.

"Um, what the hell do you need to go to Victoria's Secret for, Park Jimin?!" I panicked. "I don't wanna be seen shopping for bras, why are we here?"

"Look, I'm getting my cousin somethin-"

"What? Frilly black bras for your cousin? Oh, boy," I shook my head in disbelief. "Baby, why are you doing this? You said it wasn't going to be like last year- what do you call this, then, huh?"

"If I wanna get my cousin a Christmas present, I'm getting her one. She's my cousin, she deserves a present, so I don't care what you say, Yoongi, I didn't drag you all the way here just to hear your lousy opinion on things." he laughed.

"Shut your mouth," I pouted, but he pinched my cheeks.

"You're so adorably grumpy sometimes, it's cute," he purred, flashing his famous eye smile at me. "My little cutie, you know?"

"Chim, you're getting sidetracked. C'mon, hurry up your shopping so we don't have to waste any time. I'm getting tired, anyway."

"Already?" he screeched, wondering around the bra section. He came back to me a moment later with a puzzled face and laughed. "Actually, on second thought, I don't think I'm gonna get my cousin underwear. I'll get her a box of chocolates, as always."

"Glad to see you've come to your senses, baby," I said smoothly, picking up one of the lacy red bras. "But I bet this would look so hot on you, babe," I dangled it in front of his face. "There's a dressing room right there, do you wanna go check it out?" I smirked.

"I think you're onto something here, Yoongi," he grinned back, one finger hooking the back of the bra. "Let's go see then, shall we?"

I grabbed his hand as we stumbled into the changing rooms, ripping his top off and adjusting the bra on him.

"Sexy thing," I kissed his neck as he turned around to look at himself in the mirror.

"I quite like this, actually," he chuckled, before we had a short make-out session the dressing room. "Don't I look hot?"

"Oh, hell yeah, you do. Is there any more shopping you need to do?"

"I think this is enough for this year, don't you think?"

I know he promised that this year's shopping spree wouldn't be as weird as it was last year, but he's broken his promise.

Of course, I'm okay with that.

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