day eleven ~ vmin

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On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true gave to me, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree...

POV: Taehyung
"Next!" I shouted as the queue for ordering slowly shuffled forwards. "Hello, madam, what would you like to order today?"

The middle aged lady standing in front of me bit her lip as she quickly scanned the menu that was placed on the till. She stood there for a few moments, not saying a word.

"S-so, what would you like to order, madam?" I asked once again. "M-madam?"

"Do you do coffee here?" the lady questioned, making me internally face palm.

Well, what was she expecting?!

"Um, well, this is a coffee shop, and you are looking at our menu at this very second, so-"

"How dare you speak to me in that mocking tone!" she hissed, as if she was taken aback by me stating the obvious to her. "Do you want me to ask to see your boss, and report you? I don't think so, young man!"

Who was she, my mother?

Turns out, she was someone else's mother, who dashed over from the back of the cafe towards her with a frown plastered on his face.

"M-mum! What are you doing?" the son hissed, tugging on her sleeve. "You're so embarrassing, mum, jeez! Can you learn to stop picking fights with strangers?" his cheeks went red.

While I still had the chance, I studied the pretty boy's features. He had jet black hair that fell onto his face, and his brown chocolate eyes stood out from the rest of his facial features. When he talked, he would pucker his plump, red lips in a way that would make him look totally kissable.

No, get back to work!

I think he had noticed me staring him down because he gave me a small cheeky wink before turning back to talk to his mother.

"Please, mum, just, no," he sighed, trying to push her towards the exit. "If you're gonna be like this in public, I could have just ordered your coffee for you instead, jeez!"

"B-but I want to order my coffee! Jimin, just let me order!" she whined, reminding me of an infant, a child that needed constant care and attention. "Why are you pushing me away when I need my daily dose of caffeine?"

Guess the guy's called Jimin.

"Ugh, just shh," he rolled his eyes. "Ah, sorry, excuse me?" he waved his hand to get my attention. I seemed to have lost my focus as my eyes were glued to Jimin and his hot body.

"Um, y-yes? Sorry," I smiled sheepishly, getting ready to work the till. "What would you like to order today, sir?"

"Please, 'Jimin' is fine," he laughed nervously. "Mum, you want your usual, right?" she nodded. "Can I have a latte ple-" he took a glance at our Christmas menu and did a little cheer. "Actually, can I order a pumpkin spiced latte instead, please? Gotta be festive, am I right?" he grinned, slamming down some coins on the table.

"What size?"

"Any size you want, baby," he whispered cheekily, before shaking his head and going bright red once again. "Haha, kidding... I'll have a, uh, grande cup, if that's fine with mum, yeah?"

"Oh, okay," I nodded, and I could feel even myself going pink as I punched the numbers into the till and plonked the change into his hand. "Please wait a few minutes while I prepare your drink."

I started getting the cream and the cinnamon ready as the coffee brewed, the loud noises from the coffee machine blocking out any other sounds in the coffee shop.

As soon as the coffee machine stopped whirring, I could hear angelic humming from behind me, sounding like an innocent little bird chirping. I turned around for a second, and of course, it was Jimin, patiently standing around in the queue.

I continued making crazy Mrs. Jimin's drink as he started bursting into song instead. He snapped his fingers to the song he was singing, and I recognised it immediately. Eventually, I found myself singing along as well, which put a quiet smile on both of our faces.

I wasn't gonna lie- he's amazing.

After finishing her drink, a quickly got out another cup and began making another drink for Jimin, free of charge, of course.

I didn't really know what drinks he preferred, so I stayed true and professional to the festive season and found myself making him a hot chocolate, topped off with some whipped cream and some vanilla powder.

I rummaged through my bag that was sitting on the floor of the bar and grabbed a sharpie pen, scribbling a short message onto the cup.

Merry Christmas, Jimin :)
Call me and we can go out,
-Taehyung <3

"Surely this will make me finally get a boyfriend?" I whispered to myself as I handed him the two drinks.

"T-two?" he stuttered, confused as he stared at the extra drink, foaming with cream. "b-but, I only paid f-for one."

"On the house, baby," I laughed, pushing the drink towards him.

"I feel bad, though..."

"No, no, don't," I shook my head. "So come on, drink up! You don't want the hot chocolate to go cold, do you?"

"H-hot chocolate?" his face lit up. "How did you know that hot chocolate was my favourite?"

" I just know these things boy, " I tapped my head with a wink. "It's the amazing magic of the barista that makes me know these sort of stuff, baby."

"Mm-hm, sure," he laughed, taking a look at the drink. "Thanks for the message, I'll be sure to give you a ring, once she's sorted out," he raised his eyebrows at his mum. "and, then we can maybe, go on a little date?"

"Y-yeah," I nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that... a lot," I gently smiled. "So, I'll see you around, then?"

"See you around, and merry Christmas, cute barista," he blew me a quick kiss, his plump lips forming into a cute duck face. "C'mon, mum, I got your drink!" he approached his mother, who was blabbering on to herself. "Sorry for the long wait... let's get going, shall we?"

He took her hand gently and they slowly started to walk out of the coffee shop, but before the door closed, he turned his head and gave me one last wink before he ended up disappearing into the sunset.

Then, I had to snap out of my dreamy zone and I realised that I was working, and a whole queue was grumpily standing in front of me.

"Will you hurry up?" an angry man with bright green hair huffed.

"S-so sorry," I stammered. "Um, next! What would you like to order, sir? I hope you're having a great winter holiday so far," I smiled, but for the rest of the day, Jimin was at the back of my mind.

I'll see him again, soon.

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