Real Monsters

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Eyes Menacing and Ferocious 

were once Soft and Loving.

Now haunting waves of destruction,

They once resembled wide sky.

The arms once engulfing  in warmth,

Now suffocate the life out of one.

There was once a heart beating wild,

Now replaced by a dark void.

The presence once known for swagger,

Is a ruthless rumble of pain.

All Monsters were once humans,

capable of feeling hurt and love.

But now their souls crushed,

By the Cruel world masking purity.

Ones Broken by Betrayals, We 

call Them Demons.

Blue Devils who are numb to universe,

Building an empire of Corpses behind.

The imposters have concluded,

The wicked to be slayed.

Then Why are the melancholy being Drowned?


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