Doves and Carnations

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If I were a boy,

I would get up my bed

with a warm chest,

free from fears I now posses.

I would breathe deep in air,

Not under thousands of layers.

Let my face uncovered

With dirt and grime,

still being admired in perpetuum.

I won't have to ponder for hours

What clothes to wear or not to wear,

Never dressing less, never over.

My choice of clothes 

won't be my consent.

For never would I have to

 hear those nasty comments.

I would be able to live the life,

I always wanted to,

With the right to lead my passion,

To rule the fvcking world.

It's hard being a girl sometimes,

my assertion ever causing me disconcertion,

Looking behind with every step I take,

Keeping wary of what company I make.

If I were a boy,

I would respect my mother, sister or wife.

Give them my time,

Worth them more then dime.

Only if,

But the truth persists.


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